a crop that is grown to be sold
cash crop
Which city became the largest in the thirteen colonies?
a speech on a religious topic given by a religious leader
John Smith said that the colonists who did not work?
could not eat
The Quakers believed that?
all people are equal
a written or spoken agreement, usually about business
The Middle Colonies were nicknamed the?
breadbasket colonies
the ability to practice any religion without fear of punishment
freedom of religion
The trip from Africa to America was called?
the Middle Passage
Which group founded Massachusetts Bay Colony?
something that is owed, such as money
Settlers in the Middle Colonies came from?
All of the above
a person who follows the teachings of a Christian Church that separated from the Catholic Church
What were colonial South Carolina's biggest cash crops?
rice and indigo
James Oglethorpe tried to start a colony in Georgia for which group?
poor people
freedom from the control of a person or group of people
People living in a Puritan colony had?
Strict Rules
a person appointed by the king to oversee and make decisions in a region or colony
On large plantations, most of the work was done by?
enslaved Africans
Which was the first permanent English settlement?
a person who owes an employer a certain amount of work for a certain amount of time in exchange for some benefit
Indentured Servant
The Pilgrims sailed to America on the?
the crops collected at then end of a growing season
Roger Williams believed that religion should be?
seperate from government
Which colony began as a refuge, or safe place, for English Catholics?