European exploration
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies

A person who agreed to work for another person without pay for a certain length of time.

What was an Indentured Servant?


Juan Ponce De Leon was the first explorer to visit what U.S. state and for which country?


What is Florida & Spain

This group wanted a place to practice thier religious beliefs and founded the Massachusetts Bay colony (Salem, Boston)in New England. They wanted to "purify" the Church of England.
Who were the Puritans?
This was a group that settled in the Middle Colonies and believed that all people were equal. They refused to fight wars.
What were the Quakers?
A group of these people put in prison for owing money settled in the Southern Colonies (Georgia).
Who were debtors?
This was a leader of Jamestown that improved their conditions by making the rule "If you don't work, you don't eat".
Who was John Smith?

This country's people traded fur, learned customs, married and formed alliances with natives. 

What is France/French?

This was the leading industry in New England?
What was shipbuilding?

These crops grew well in the Middle Colonies and were exported. They gave these colonies the nickname the "breadbasket" colonies. (Name two)

What are wheat, corn, and rye?

He founded Georgia to help debtors pay back their debts.
Who was James Oglethorpe?

In this document, after arriving by ship from England pilgrims and other colonist established a form of self-government for the 

What is the Mayflower Compact?


To expand their empire ,access resources and gain wealth european countries did what?


What is to start colonies in North & South America

These were exports of the New England colonies. (Name two)
What is lumber, dried fish, whale oils, furs, and grain?

The 2 largest cities in colonial America

What is Philadelphia & New York?

These made up a large part of the Southern economy.
What is a plantation?

A person who lived with and worked with an artisan's family for several years, learning a skill in order to earn a living.

What is an apprentice?


Former european colony on Manhattan Island now called New York and its colonizer

What is New Amsterdam & the Netherlands

These two leaders started settlements that joined to become the Rhode Island Colony.
Who were Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson?
A Quaker who helped found the colony of Pennsylvania. He was member of the "Society of Friends".
Who was William Penn?

What group of people suffered imprisonment, crowded ships, disease, poor sanitation and abduction from homeland

What is a enslaved Africans?


The first English colony and the first successful english colony

Roanoke & Jamestown


These were the two main goals of Spanish missions.

What is to teach the Native Americans the Catholic religion and to introduce the Spanish way of life. 

This was the real name of King Phillip, the leader of the Wampanoag tribe.
Who was Metacomet?
This word means to accept religious differences.
What is tolerance?
These were cash crops exported from the Southern Colonies. (Name two)
What are tobacco, indigo, and rice?