Puritans, Pilgrams
Who formed the New England Colonies religions?
Bread Basket colonies
What was another name for the Middle Colonies?
The hot summers and humid winters allow for longer growing seasons for cash crops.
How does the hot summers and humid winters impact the southern Colonies?
The growing of tobacco.
What made Jamestown very successful origanally?
The Southern Colonies.
Where where the most plantations?
Whaling, fishing, and shipbuilding
What where economic advantages of the New England Colonies.
To make money, religions freedom, and to own their own land.
What was the purpose of the Middle Colonies.
Due to the hot summers and mild winters the Southern Colonies had a lot more what?
There was subsistance farming because people need vegetables but the land was rocky.
Why was there subsistance farming but not plantations in the New England Colonies?
The Mayflower Compact was the laws, the leaders, and the expectations.
What did the Mayflower Compact do?
Rocky soil making farming hard.
What was the land like in New England?
Grain, weat, rye, and corn were some big cash crops.
What were some important cash crops that made the Middle Colonies the Bread Basket Colonies?
The grow cash crops.
What is the Souther Colonies economy?
Lutherans, Catholics,Protestants, Prebyterians, Jewish People,Anglicans, Memnonites, or Amish any two of these religions.
What were two religions that settled in the Middle Colonies not the Quakers?
The Triangle Trade include North America, Africa, and Europe.
What countries are in the Triangle Trade route.
John Mason, Fedinard Gorges
Who were giving the charters for Maine and New Hamshire?
Tradeing and shipbuilding.
What were some economic advantages of the Middle Colonies?
Off the banks of North Carolina.
Where was Roanoke located?
We don't know exactly what happened but suspicions are they could have moved, died of disease, killed by natives, or gotten assimilated with the natives.
What happened to the colony of Roanoke?
Indentured servants work 3-7 years while slaves were working for life.
What is the difference between indentured servants and slaves?
Puritanisim was the main releigion.
What was the major religion of the New England Colonies?
The Quaker religion.
What was/were the original religion(s) to settle in the Middle Colonies?
Yes there were different religions allowed even though there were slaves.
Were different religions allowed in the Southern Colonies?
Dutch, English, and German settleed in the Middle Colonies.
Who settled in the Middle Colonies who knew to make mills, houses, factories, and were good at farming.
King Charles II granted the Carolinas.
Who granted charters for the Carolinas?