Steps to the American Revolution
More Steps to the American Revolution

These were the three indian tribes that Columbus dealth with.

Who are the Caribs, Tainos, and Siboneys?


He was the Christopher Columbus of France.

Who was Samuel de Champlain?


He made Jamestown profitable by growing this plant.

Who was John Rolfe and what is tobacco?


This was the line drawn to restrict the colonists from moving west.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


He founded the Sons of Liberty.

Who was Dr. Joseph Warren?


These were two positive results of the Spanish Empire.

What is profit from gold and silver and a lot of land?


These were two positive results of the French Empire.

What is profit from fur and a lot of land?


He sailed over on the Mayflower and help begin the Plymouth colony, which was 400 miles north of Jamestown.

Who is Edward Winslow?


He was the first causality of the American Revolution.

Who is Christopher Seider?


True or False:  The Bostonians were against the Stamp Act because it was a high tax?

What is False?  The Bostonians did not like the Stamp Act because it was the first time England ever diretly taxed the colonies.  The Stamp Act was actually a low tax.


These were two negative results of the Spanish Empire?

What is not a lot of people and centraiized government?


These were two negative results of the French Empire?

What is not a lot of people and a centralized government?


This is the confederation of Native Americas that the Jamestown colonists had to contend with.

Who is the Powhatan Confederation?


He was the financier of the Sons of Liberty.

Who was John Hancock?


Which came first the Boston Tea Party or the Boston Massacre.

What is the Boston Massacre?


True or False:  Columbus landed in what is today in the continental US.

What is False, he landed in the Bahamas?


These were two negative results of the French Empire?

What is not a lot of people and centraiized government?


True or False:  The Pilgrims settled in Jamestown.

What is False?


He fell off his horse.

Who was William Dawes?


He ws the 78-year old man who took on the British.  He was shot in the face, bayonetted a dozen times and survived.  

Who was Samuel Whittemore?


When did Tiano boys did not bring back enough gold to the Spainards this happened to them.

What is the Spainards cut off their hands?  (Please read the article in the link in the Spanish Module.) 


These three Native American tribes had various relationships with the French.

What are the Hurons who were pro-French, the Iroquois who were anti-French and pro-British, and the Algonquians who were neutral?


These were the 5 unique aspects of the British colonies in North America.

What are:

1. Small piece of land

2.  A lot of people

3.  Diversified economy

4.  Loval governments-leads to the American        Revolution in the 1770s.

5.  Slavery-leads to the Civil War in the 1860s.


He was the only rider to make it to Concord.

Who was Samuel Prescott?


These are the three results of the Intolerable Acts.

What is shutdowning Boston's port, outlawing town hall meetings, and placing Boston under military rule?

Also, keep in mind the IA's also unified the colonies.