The 2 halves of the pelvis/hip bones are called what?
What is os coxae/innominate bones?
What do you do if there is an orthopedic implant on the hip radiograph?
What is make sure to include the entire implant?
How much do you internally rotate the lower limbs for an AP Pelvis radiograph?
What is 15-20 degrees?
Name the method for an AP oblique/frog-leg hip projection?
What is the Modified Cleaves method?
What type of joint is the hip joint?
What is synovial ball-and-socket?
How do you orient the IR for an AP Pelvis radiograph?
What is crosswise?
Where do you place the top of the IR for an AP hip projection?
What is at the level of the ASIS?
How much kVp is the standard range for pelvis & hip imaging with digital equipment?
What is 75-85 kVp?
What method is used for an oblique pelvis and how much rotation is necessary for it?
What is the Judet method and 45 degrees?
What is a visual sign of a hip fracture in a patient that you should check BEFORE positioning?
What is shortened limb with external rotation?
A lighter, more broad pelvis structure is common in who?
Who are Females?
What portions of the hip bones join to form the obturator foramen?
What is the pubis and ischium?
If the left wing of the ilium is larger than the right on an AP Pelvis x-ray, how is your patient positioned?
What is rotated to the left?
What method is used to visualize a lateral hip image when there is suspicion of bilateral hip fractures?
What is the Clements Nakayama method?
Which bones of the pelvis make up the cup of vinegar?
What is the ischium, ilium, and pubis?
How do you shield on an AP pelvis exam?
When do you NEVER internally rotate on an AP hip or pelvis exam?
What is when there is high suspicion of a fracture?
Where do you CR for an AP Pelvis radiograph?
What is 2in below the ASIS & 2in above the symphysis pubis?
What is the name of the method for shooting a cross-table lateral hip radiograph?
What is the Danelius-Miller Method?
T or F: you must always include the obturator foramina on an AP Pelvis radiograph?
What is True?
How much do you separate the heels for an AP Pelvis radiograph?
What is 8-10 in?
Where do you place your CR for an AP or Lateral Hip projection?
What is the femoral neck?
What landmark is at the level of the symphysis pubis, and is a better option for palpation?
What is the greater trochanter?
What rare disease affects children in the hip where blood flow is disrupted? (known as Avascular Necrosis in adults)
What is Legg Calve-Perthes Disease?
How do you eliminate/minimize foreshortening of the femoral neck on an AP Pelvis or AP hip radiograph?
What is internally rotate the lower leg and foot?