Safe Food Handling
Get Cookin'
Food Storage
Kitchen Vocab
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In order to properly wash your hands, what is the minimum amount of time you should wash your hands under running water?

-20 seconds or sing "Happy Birthday" twice

-Antibacterial hand gel should not be used if hands are visibly soiled

-Hands should be washed often in warm, soapy water throughout meal preparation especially after handling raw meat and eggs to help prevent the spread of bacteria.


A fruit with enzymes that naturally tenderize meat.

Kiwi, pineapple or papaya

-Fresh fruit is best as enzymes can be denatured in processes like canning.

Other forms of tenderizing include mechanical tenderization (meat mallet) and thermal tenderization (heat from a slow cooker)


What is the maximum temperature your refrigerator should be maintained?

Below 40 degrees F

Bacteria multiply most rapidly between 40 -140 degrees F


A menu item that is priced individually, rather than as part of the meal

A la carte


How long should you keep deli meats (from the deli) on average?

-5-6  days

-Common traits of bad deli meat: wet, slimy exterior, sour smell, mold; grayish or brownish color on the perimeter of bologna and hard salami

-Hard cheese can be kept 3-4 weeks, and soft cheese for 1 week


How can frozen meats, seafood and poultry be defrosted safely?

1. In the refrigerator: remember to cover raw meat and place it on the bottom shelf so raw juices don't drip onto other foods

2. Under COLD running water.

3. Microwave: these foods must be cooked immediately afterward.


The correct order of ingredients when breading a food.

1. Flour

2. Egg wash: beaten egg and 1-2TBSP water or milk

3. Breadcrumbs


Where should milk be stored in the refrigerator?

-On an interior shelf of the refrigerator towards the back.

-Refrigerator door has the most temperature fluctuations with frequent opening. 


Method of cooking by exposing food to direct radiant heat, either on a grill over live coals or below a gas burner or electric coil. Food is turned during the process so as to cook one side at a time under high temperatures.



Bakeries color code their twist ties indicating what?

Day of the week the bread is packaged. Major bakeries deliver daily except Wed and Sun and use the following:


True or False:

Fresh fruits and vegetables should be diced then washed before being consumed.


Fresh produce should be washed before being cut to prevent bacteria from the outside getting into the fruit.


True or False: 

A bread knife should be serrated.


When using a serrated knife, we use a sawing motion which cuts through the bread without smushing it.


What is the maximum amount of time perishable food (meat, dairy, leftovers) should be left out before being refrigerated?

- 2 hours

-Refrigerate as soon as possible

-In hot weather (90 degrees or above) this time is reduced to one hour

-Time starts before you leave the grocery store


What is this called?


A bowl-shaped frying pan used typically in Chinese cooking


By when does raw chicken stored in the refrigerator need to be cooked?

How long can you keep cooked chicken leftovers in the refrigerator?

-Cook raw chicken within 1-2 days

-Freeze chicken immediately if you do not plan to use it within two days after purchasing

-Some common traits of bad meat: dull, slimy, gray flesh and a sour smell. *Beef will change from a reddish color to a brown or gray color.

-Cooked chicken and beef can be kept 3-4 days in the refrigerator.


Two ways to prevent cross-contamination while preparing a meal.

-Wash hand frequently between tasks

-Use two cutting boards, one strictly for raw meat, seafood, and poultry, and another for ready to eat foods.

-Lay out all cooking utensils nad ingredients before handling raw M,S&P. Take the tops off all the seasonings you plan to use

-Handle raw M,S&P with only one hand at a time

-Move contaminated cookware away from the prep area once M,S&P cooking is underway

-Cook to proper temperatures

-Refrigerate promptly below 40 degrees F


Should poultry be washed/rinsed before cooking?


-Washing poultry before cooking isn't necessary because proper cooking will destroy bacteria of concern. Also, rinsing the poultry can potentially cross-contaminate other surfaces or foods.

-No need to introduce raw chicken to sink and other kitchen surfaces.


True or False:

Bread should be stored in the refrigerator to keep it fresh longer.


-Bread dries out faster in the refrigerator. It can be stored at room temperature or in the freezer.

-Storing tortillas in the refrigerator, however, will extend quality by ~3 weeks.


Process that occurs when carbohydrates, like sugar, are heated, causing them to turn brown


True or False:

White rice has an indefinite shelf life while brown rice can keep 6-8 months past its printed date


-Brown rice contains fatty acids that can oxidize. Discard brown rice that is oily and gives off a rancid odor.

-Shelf life can be extended to 8-12 months past printed date if refrigerated.

-Cooked brown rice can be kept 4-5 days in the refrigerator. White rice can be kept 5-7 days.


True or False:

You should use hot water when hand washing dishes to kill bacteria that might be present.


-The temperatures required to kill bacteria would burn your hands. Washing with warm water is recommended as it helps remove food scraps and proper washing but not sanitizing.

-This is important to know so you don't think running hot water on something was sufficient, but your should use warm water for best cleaning.


When boiling water, what does adding salt do?

Makes the water boil at a higher temperature.

Adding salt to water also adds flavor to the water, which is absorbed by  the food. 

What foods might we salt the water for?


True or False:

When placed in the refrigerator, bananas ripen more quickly and become brown.


Refrigeration slows the  ripening process of bananas, however, the skin will become brown more quickly. this does not indicate ripeness as when stored at room temperature.


A thickener for sauces and soups that combines equal parts  flour and butter



True or False:

Unopened reduced fat milk can be used up to 7 days past the printed sell by date.


-Always use your senses to tell if a product is safe to consume.