Funny/Unique Facts
First Jobs
Childhood Memories
Travel Stories

I worked as an EMT during college.

Who is Madhavi?


My first job was working front store at CVS 

Who is Courtney?


I love Decorating our home

Who is Liz?


Spending summers in South Carolina with my cousins

Who is Diane?


On a trip to France, we saw some people looking into a blocked off arena, so we had to investigate. We were able to find our way to an empty spot and got to watch Aerosmith prepare for their concert that was happening later that night (so basically, we watched them perform almost their whole set).

Who is Chelsea?


I own land in three different states.

Who is Deedra?


My first job was Dunkin Donuts

Who is Bryan?


I love going thrifting and like to collect things like old records and books

Who is Amy? 


Learning how to ride a bike without training wheels

Who is Deedra? 


My travel group left me at the bottom of the Eifel Tower as a senior in high school. (I'm afraid of heights)

Who is Matt? 

I love to listen to violin covers.

Who is Liz?


My first job was a Fountain (ice cream) Waitress at Friendly's

Who is Jess? 


I love to grow my vegetable garden every season, I love trying to incorporate new veggies every year! 

Who is Adam? 


I remember riding in the back of my Mom's station wagon with my sisters playing car games. There was a seat that faced out the back window and we had the most fun riding back there in our own little world.

Who is Amy?


I was a finalist in the American Idol Experience at Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World and the next day, we were in Epcot and a few people stopped and asked me for my autograph and even wanted to take a picture with me! 

Who is Nikki?


I am first generation American

Who is Bryan?


My first job was folding and boxing curtains in a factory

Who is Joyce?


Listening to Pod Casts/Reading when I have time (which is not often)

Who is Nikki?


My car broke down on way to the prom

Who is Bernie? 


I got lost at the beach one time and told strangers my mom had red hair and looked like a freak. When they found her they told her she didn't look nearly as bad as they were imagining.

Who is Courtney? 


Everyone in my immediate family is predominately left-handed. I am the only right-handed member!

Who is Chelsea?


I worked at a grocery store Delchamps at 14.

Who is Shilpi?


I love playing Video Games

Who is Courtney? 


One year at Boy Scout camp, I stayed up for 24 hours with my friends, just because we wanted to see if we could do it. Surprisingly (maybe not so surprising because we were kids) we were not tired the next day.

Who is Adam? 


I stayed in a bed and breakfast in Italy and one night I had to tell Carlos, the owner, that there was a dead cat in the backyard.  I do not speak Italian. I now know "gatto morto" is the correct phrase to say should I ever find myself in that situation again.

Who is Pat?