Backlog Principle I
Backlog Principle II
Backlog Principle III
Backlog Basics

Delete Product Backlog items that the Scrum team hasn’t addressed for more than eight weeks

What is "Trash bin is your friend"


A Product Backlog reflects the best use of the Scrum team’s time at a specific moment. It is a snapshot of a complex, dynamic situation.

What is "No guarantees"?


This is the act of breaking down and further defining Product Backlog items into smaller more precise items, also it is an ongoing activity to add details, such as a description, order, and size. 

What is "Product Backlog refinement"?


The purpose of the Product Backlog is risk mitigation. In and of itself, the Product Backlog is of little other value.

What is "Risk-Mitigation"?


Adding a Product Backlog item may only need little effort. It may seem that enlarging the Product Backlog is free of charge and, therefore, an excellent strategy to avoid “missing out” on something important

What is "Every item added is expensive"?


The Scrum team does not ship the Product Backlog based on its order at the moment of the Sprint Planning. Instead, the Scrum team identifies the Sprint Goal collectively, which then informs the content of the Sprint Backlog.

What is "Shipping the Product Backlog"?


Product Backlog items that can be Done by the Scrum Team within one Sprint are deemed ready for selection in......

What is a "Sprint Planning"?


Any Product Backlog exceeding more work than the Scrum team can handle in 2-4 Sprints is wasteful.

What is "Size matters?"

If your Product Backlog grows faster than the Scrum team can deliver Product Backlog items, you are probably heading toward becoming a feature factory.

What is "Growth"?


Busily adding Product Backlog items to Jira does not create value but dangerous noise; think of loss aversion.

What is "Following a plan"?

300 in the Product Backlog. 

What is the "Product Goal"?


Nothing is better suited to build trust with stakeholders than shipping valuable Increments. So, use the Product Backlog to support the Scrum team in that capacity only.

What is "Shipping builds trust"?


The Product Backlog reflects the Scrum team’s Product Goal. It is not just a repository or accounting system of all requirements thrown at the team.

What is "PG drive outcomes"?


The Product Owner has to maximize the value of the work of the Developers on behalf of customers and the organization—within the given constraints. They do so by managing the Product Backlog based on content and ordering.

What is "Product Owner prerogatives?"


His / her decisions are visible in the content and ordering of the Product Backlog, and through the inspectable Increment at the Sprint Review.

What is "Product Owner"?


The Product Backlog is a critical but not the only part of a system organizing the flow of value-creating work through the Scrum team. The product discovery part feeding into the Product Backlog deserves equal attention

What is "It's part of a system?"


Using the Product Backlog as a pacifier for annoying stakeholders is tempting. However, only transparency and respect solve that problem. If the Scrum team does not consider working on a requirement, tell them so

What is "#NoPolitics"?


Product Backlogs seem attractive places to overwhelm with ideas, thoughts, and sketches. Do not misuse the Product Backlog for this purpose, as it represents a place of higher build certainty.

What is "Storage for ideas"?


It is an emergent, ordered list of what is needed to improve the product. It is the single source of work undertaken by the Scrum Team.

What is "Product Backlog"?