
What is the background on the case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?

For context, when the nonprofit organization Citizens United released a highly critical documentary on former Sen. Hilary Clinton, BCRA had expanded the scope of FECA’s ban on corporate and union contributions and expenditures “in connection with” political elections to include “electioneering communications” paid for with corporate or union general treasury funds. 


What is the background regarding the Engel v. Vitale case?

A group of parents in New York objected to a prayer recited by students at the beginning of each school day and sued the school board President. The prayer was argued to be constitutional because it was voluntary and promoted the free exercise of religion.


What is the context surrounding the Gideon v. Wainwright case?

Gideon was accused of breaking into a bar in Florida and was arrested. At the time of his trial, Gideon couldn't afford a lawyer and requested the Judge appoint one for him. The Judge refused, and upon representing himself Gideon was found guilty. In jail, Gideon wrote a letter to the Supreme Case asking for his case to be brought forward because the Judge refusing to appoint him a judge violated his Sixth Amendment right to legal counsel.