Class Topics
Relapse Prevention

physiological need for a substance that a person cannot control, results in withdrawl

What is dependency?


Lets go thrift shopping sometimes? This famous rapper is known for empowering the people around him and being involved in the aa community.

Who is macklemore?


Having a flat affect, little response to things that used to get you excited. Common in early recovery.

What is Anhedonia?


If I think positive, positive things should appear to me more.

What is positive psychology?


mediation, exercise, and yoga are forms of what?

What is coping skills?


Stages of relapse

Mental, emotional, physical


You can't read this famous singers poker face but you can read more about her sobriety through her many songs. She is famous for having odd attire in her early career.

Who is Lady Gaga?


I am very moody right now. I don't want to socialize or be around others. Work is not bringing me any joy.

What hormone does this person lack?

What is serotonin?


This substance was once used as a way of paying taxes

What is cannabis?

My problem is not as bad as people think it is. I had a small problem.

What is minimizing?


What CBT stands for.

What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

Sometimes not even the greatest love of all can prevent people from using substances. This singer died in 2012 due to a drug overdose.

Who is Whitney Houston?


Accepting things for what they are, living life on life terms.

What is radical acceptance?


*Daily Double*

Seeing things in black or white as opposed to shades of gray

What is ALL or Nothing Thinking?


What HALT stands for

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired?


using another hobby, substance, or activity to replace or substitute feelings/results that you used to get from using (Hint 2 words)

What is cross addiction or addiction transfer?


Considered the father of modern psychology, his works included the subconscious, psychosexual stages and id,ego, superego. He was infamous for his belief in the medicinal benefits of cocaine.

Who is Sigmund Freud?

"I can make or break you. Use me wisely and I can keep you on the right track. Use me wrongly and I will bring you down."

What are habits?


What part of the brain controls impulses?

What is frontal lobe?


Rules and limits you set within relationships. They tell you what’s okay, and what’s not okay, in a relationship.

What are personal boundaries?


No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others.

What AA promise is this?

What is the 5th promise?


Sugar, spice and latin heat. This famous Mexican wwe wrestler was famous for his high flying moves and tricky move set. Sadly, he passed away in 2005 from complications from steroids.

Who is Eddie Guerrero?


A four squared assignment used to measure self awareness and give insight into what others may view you as.

What is Johari Window?


Taking on other peoples emotions and feelings until they affect you. Can be positive or negative.

What is an empath or emotional sponge?


A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique

What is mindfulness?