Cyclone Amphan, which churned north through the Bay of Bengal this week, made landfall on Wednesday, directly impacting what two countries?
India and Bangladesh
Being a good listener is more than just letting the other person speak you have to really __________ with your brain eyes and ears to understand their meaning.
hear what they are saying
Yo Yo Ma is a famous ______________
what is the name of this sign
This 21 year old woman with down syndrome got a golf scholarship to pay for college
Who is Amy Bockerstettes
As described on Wednesday's show, what is the two-word term for tracking a disease by gathering data on the movements and interactions of someone infected? (can be done on a cellphone app)
contact tracing
If you are being a good listener in a healthy relationship you should let your partner speak without interruption or prejudice. What is prejudice mean?
judgement or inserting your personal beliefs or opinions
Yo Yo Ma had surgery for this condition he had with his back.
What is scoliosis
Show the sign for awesome
Amy's family started a group who support individuals with disabilities learning to play golf. What is another name for group?
What is a foundation
What have they built in Singapore to add green space and create energy
a waterfront park called Super Tree Grove
Doing this with your head is a great way to show someone you are listening when they are talking.
what is nod your head
Yo Yo Ma is a Chinese American born in
What does this sign mean?
What is the Name of Amy's foundation?
manta ray
This is a sign you may be in an unhealthy relationship.
controlling text messages
Name one of the 2 projects Yo Yo Ma is working on to bring music into peoples lives
Sesame street or silk road project
What is the ASL sign for ready?
The theme of Amy's "I got this" foundation is about this goal for individuals with disabilities
What is independence
Name one way going back to work post quarantine will look different
plexi -glass between desks
desks spread apart
bluetooth elevator control
apps to determine threat level
What are the 3 things needed in a healthy relationship?
Yo Yo Ma didn't start his musical career with the Cello first he learned to play this instrument
What does ASL stand for
American Sign Language
Amy attends Paradise Valley Community College (PVCC) in Phoenix, Arizona. She currently attends PVCC on a full scholarship to play golf, where she is studying what subject area
What is Dance