Meet Audrey
American vs British English
Food Idioms
American Music
American Crime

Which  dance is most  popular in Texas?

A. Jitterbug

B. Two-Step

C. Swing Dance

D. Folk Dance

B. Texas Two-Step


A que in British English is called a_________?

A. A Linear

B. Waiting Zone

C. A Line

D. A Circle

C. A Line


To “spill the beans” means:

A. To drop a can of beans

B. To tell a secret 

C. To make a mess

B. To tell a secret 


Elvis Presley was a famous______ musician.

A. Jazz

B. Rhythm & Blues

C. Hip Hop

D. Rock & Roll

D. Rock & Roll


“You have the right to remain silent” is a famous line from_______.

A. The Millicent Rights

B. The Mathew Rights

C. The Miranda Rights 

D. The Morgan Rights 

C. The Miranda Rights


 What is the capital of Texas?

A. Dallas

B. Austin

C. Houston 

D. San Antonio 

B. Austin 


A trunk in American English is called______ in British English. 

A. A sock

B. Boot

C. Storage

D. Opening 

B. A boot


A. Not my “cup of tea” means:

B. It’s something you don’t like.

C. You don’t drink tea.

D. This cup of tea isn’t yours 

B. It’s something you don’t like.


Jazz’s most famous musician was ______?

A. Bing Crosby

B. Louie Armstrong 

C. Jay-Z

D. Lanie Wilson

B. Louie Armstrong 


“Busted” means:

A. To be officially processed 

B. To be arrested by the police 

C. Stolen or shoplifted goods

D. In solitary confinement 

B. To be arrested by the police 


What is the state flower of Texas?

A. Rose

B. Bluebonnets 

C. Jasmine 

D. Hydrangeas 

B. Bluebonnets 


What sound is not pronounced in British English?

A. “L” as in liked

B. “R” as in paper 

C. “T” as in take

B. “R” sound is not pronounced 


To be “in a pickle “ means:

A. To be in a funny situation.

B. To be in an interesting situation.

C. To be in a bad situation.

C. To be in a bad situation.


A fiddle is an instrument that is similar to the ______?

A. Guitar

B. Violin 

C. Banjo 

D. Pedal Steel Guitar

B. Violin


“Up the River “ means:

A. Sent to court 

B. Sent on a camping expedition 

C. Sent to prison 

D. Sent to jail 

C. Sent to prison 


Which ice cream brand do Texans love most?

A. Bluebunny

B. Creamy Creations

C. Bluebell

D. Swanson

C. Bluebell


A. American English prefers the letter “Z” as in recognize, it leaves off the letter “E” as in program, and prefers “-or” as in color  

B. American English prefers the letter “S” as in recognise, keeps the letter “E” as in programme, and prefers “-our” as in colour.

Letter A


Taking “candy from a baby” means:

A. Something very easy to do.

B. To have more important things to do.

C. To be embarrassed or look foolish.

A. Something very easy to do.


“Fixin’ to" means:

A. Going to

B. Wanting to 

C. Thinking about 

D. Dreaming about 

A. Going to


Trespassing is:

A. Destroying other people’s property 

B. Stealing someone’s car

C. Steeling carrots from a neighbor’s garden 

D. Walking on someone else’s property 

D. Walking on someone else’s property 


Which university did I attend?

A. Texas Tech University 

B. Texas University 

C. Texas A&M University  

C. Texas A&M University 


Which word does the American English almost never use?

A. Should (Should I get lunch?)

B. Shall (Shall we have coffee?)

C. Could (Could I come over?)

D. Do (Do I pay the bill?)

B. Shall


A “bun in the oven “ means:

A. To have a secret.

B. To be expecting.

C. To have a plan.

B. To be expecting.


Which expression means to be patient?

A. “Bless your heart”

B. “Ain’t my first rodeo”

C. “Back in the saddle again”

D. “Hold your horses”

D. “Hold your horses”


“Double Jeopardy” means:

A. You can’t be tried for the same crime twice 

B. No matter the crime, the procedure must be followed 

C. The crime was very serious or violent 

D. You’re presumed innocent until proven guilty  

A. You can’t be tried for the same crime twice