Who was the son of Jesse and Israel's greatest king?
what is King David
What is the most frequently used mathematical value in the book of Revelation?
What is 1/3
Why did a great fish swallow Jonah?
Jonah refused to go to Ninevah as God commanded.
What is the last book of the Old Testament?
What was the last miracle Jesus performed?
His resurrection!!!!!
Who was Adam and Eve's first son?
What is Cain
How old was Jesus when he started his ministry?
Which prophet mocked hundreds of Baal's servants on Mount Carmel?
What is Elijah
What is the second to last book of the Bible?
What is Jude
Which disciple was a doctor?
What is Luke
Who was the oldest brother of Joseph (coat of many colors)?
Who are considered the four major prophets?
What is Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Ezekiel
What was Daniel's Babylonian name? Who was the first King of Babylon he answered to?
What is Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar
What is the only book in the Bible that does not mention God?
What is Esther
Name four of Jesus' miracles.
Healing the blind, possessed, crippled, raised Lazarus, calming the sea, fishing, water to wine, etc.
What were the two birds that Noah sent from the Ark to retrieve an olive leaf?
What is a raven and a dove
Who is the only woman mentioned by name in Jesus' genealogy in the Gospel of Matthew
Mary the mother of Jesus
Who was Hosea's wife's name?
What is Gomer
What is the shortest book in the Old Testament?
In the parable of the Talents, how many talents(coins) did the second servant receive? How many did he produce to his boss?
What is 2, 4
Name all 10 plagues in Egypt.
River to Blood, Frogs, Flies, Gnats, Disease of Livestock, Boils, Hailstorms, Locusts, Darkness, Death of First Born.
How many people were aboard Noah's Ark?
What is 8
Which prophet's name means "to bear a load"?
What is Amos
Which of Paul's letters has 13 chapters in it?
What is 2 Corinthians
What was Jesus' last command to His disciples before ascending into heaven?
Go out and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit