Number of times I have moved schools
What is once?
The activity that I've won a national award for
What is debate?
The number of siblings I have
What is none?
My favorite protein
What is chicken?
The place that I got bit by my dog
The number of jobs I have had
What is 2?
The two non-academic activities I still continue now
What is Dance and Horseback riding?
The number of family members (including me) in my household
What is 5?
My favorite TV show
What is Gravity Falls?
The number of exes I have
The worst injury I've ever had
What is stitches on my pinky after slicing open my hand with an Oberweis milk bottle?
The activity I have participated in the longest
What is Dance
The types of pets/animals I have had
What is horses and dogs? (extra point if they say hermit crabs)
The first Minecraft YouTuber I've ever watched
Who is iHasCupquake?
The grade I got on a 5th grade math test that made me cry the entirety of class and then asked to switch to an easier math class
The name of my kindergarten teacher that I still talk to today
Who is Mrs. Rogers?
How long I have participated in dance for
What is 16 years?
What restaurant chain did my dad own?
What is Jimmy Johns?
The animal I am afraid of
What is crocodiles/alligators?
The scary story that I was told in 1st grade that had me sleeping in my parents room for 4 years
What is Bloody Mary?
The name of my kindergarten boyfriend that I got married to on the playground
What is Joe Paige?
The number of non-academic activities I did growing up
What is 8?
Name of my best friend forever
Who is Emily Wittmer?
My number 1 artist on Spotify Wrapped in 2022, 2023, and 2024
Who is Laufey?
How I found out what death was
What is finding out my first dog was not in fact in his box of ashes and he was actually dead and wasn't coming back?