Visit Prep
On Site
Safety Protocol

Where you can find the address you're going to.

What is the Google calendar invite?


What SAFE Spaces is and is not associated with.

What is not accosiated with ACS, agency, or facility, yes associated with NYU.


Where the attendance tracker should be stored so that it can be entered into tracking systems upon return.

What is in the "Incoming Attendance Trackers" folder in the bottom drawer of the confidential info cabinet.

Where you can find the full safety protocol and safety protocol slides.

What is linked at the top of the RISE Brigade/Supervision agenda?


Where you can find and sign out a metro card.

What is in the top drawer of the confidential info cabinet?


Three things other than iPads you must bring to a site visit.

What is the confidential info binder, gift cards, candy, pens?


Question you should ask youth before getting their permission to participate in the study.

What is how old are they?

How you record details of the site visit.
What is in the Data Collection Airtable form, linked in the Google Calendar invite.

What you do if you don't see the F number of a survey handed back to you.

What is proceed with a level 1 flag protocol?


Circumstances in which you can miss a site visit you confirmed in advance.

What is illness or emergency?


Piece of paperwork is new every time you go to a site.

What is the attendance tracker?


Where you log the gift card number for each card distributed to a participant.

What is the timepoint-specific tracker AND the receipt?


How you record incomplete surveys.

What is on the timepoint-specific paperwork and through the Incomplete Surveys Airtable form linked in the Google Calendar invite.


The people you should text in a group chat when a participant flags at a level 3.

What is, Dr. J, Dr. G, Alex, Iris, Amira, Julez?


Reason the survey might be refusing to advance to the next page.

What is incorrectly formatted date, typed out number, space in box for numbers, required answer?


Three things you can find in the confidential info binder that are NOT site-specific paperwork.

What is paper consent, paper assent, paper guardian consent, consent to follow up-contact, paper surveys, safety protocol, pitch cheat sheet, receipts?


A circumstance in which you should write a participant's name on their gift card.

What is situations in which staff will hold on to youth gift cards and youth will not receive them directly in the moment?


How you record gift cards you distributed.

What is in the tracker linked at the top of the RISE Brigade/Supervision agenda?


Four things you should try to gather information about during a level 3 flag protocol. (Hint: acronyms.)

What is Probability, Access, Lethality, Specificity?

Where you can find the RISE Brigade/Supervision agenda.

What is in the RISE Brigade/Supervision Google Calendar invite?


What you do if the paperwork for the site doesn't exist yet (or a new timepoint log is needed).

What is print paperwork from the "To Print" folder, linked at the top of the RISE Bridage/Supervision agenda?


What you should do if a participant says they took a survey a few months ago at another site (staff or youth). When you ask how long ago, they're not sure.

What is text Amira/Julez/Iris to see if someone can use their name to find their other ID and assess whether or not they can take the next time point?


What you do if an iPad has an error message during uploading about an outdated token.

What is text Amira for the single sign-on login. If she doesn't respond, leave iPad out with a sticky note indicated that it has un-uploaded surveys.


An iPad indicates an F2 flag in a crowded room that you cannot step out of. Discuss your strategy and role-play starting the flag conversation.

What is subjective team evaluation BUT must include addressing how they would handle the lack of private space, an accurate understanding of what they know and what they need to find out from an F2?

Circumstances in which you might leave a site mid-visit.

What is for example staff asks you to, physical altercation among youth or youth & staff, you feel unsafe, you are being harassed?