What does inerrant mean?
No errors
Which nation took Israel away to Exile?
What is a literal interpretation
The plain sense of the reading—it happened as it says it did. No hidden meanings.
Who was Mesha?
King of Moab
True/False: The bible was originally written with chapters/verses
Which 2 characters are listed as killing Goliath?
David (1st Samuel)
Elhanan (2nd Samuel)
Which nation let Israel go home from exile?
What is a moral interpretation?
Teaches about ethics, or what you should/shouldn't do.
What year did Mesha rebel against Israel?
850 BC
If you wanted to go to a specific spot in the bible, how would you say where it is?
Book + Chapter + Verse(s)
John 3:16
Name the 5 genre's of the Old Testament
Major Prophets
Minor Prophets
When was Israel taken away into Exile?
587 BC
Define Hermeneutic
Interpretation. How we discover truths from the Biblical passage
What did Mesha do in his last effort to win the war against Israel?
Sacrificed his son to his god
When was the first bible made with chapters/verses?
1551 — Greek and Latin new testament
1560 — First english full bible with chapters/verses
How could we account for the books of 1 and 2 Samuel listing 2 different people as killing Goliath?
Scribal mistake (Definitely possible)
King Legend Stories (Definitely possible)
No mistake: There’s a different Goliath that was also a giant (unlikely)
When was Israel allowed to go home from exile?
537 BC
What are the 4 interpretation methods of the Bible?
Where can we find the story of Mesha in the Bible?
2 Kings 3
The book of Samuel lists 2 characters as killing Goliath. When Chronicles retells the story, How did the writer fix this issue?
Samuel/Kings is a history about the Monarchy of Israel. Chronicles is also— Which was written first: Samuel/Kings, or Chronicles?
Samuel/Kings (before/during exile)
Chronicles (after exile)
Define the following terms:
Belief in ONLY one god
Belief in many gods, but only serving one
Belief in many and service of many gods