Figurative language
Cite text evidence
Connotation and enotation

Writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally; commonly known as figures of speech is called

A. Simile

B. Hyperbole

C. Figurative language 

C. Figurative language 


textual evidence is....

A. Using quotations, summaries and paraphrasing from a text to support a position

B. A detailed examination the elements or structure of something

C. Proof

A. Using quotations, summaries and paraphrasing from a text to support a position

  • Did Joe remember to bring hisself a flashlight and sleeping bag for the weekend camping trip?

    What is the problem with the reflexive pronoun?

  • A. should have used the word "his"

  • B. There's nothing wrong with this sentence.

  • C. There's no such word as hisself.

  • D. There isn't a reflexive pronoun used here.

C. There's no such word as hisself.

  • When determining a theme, the reader should first consider...

  • A. the illustrations

  • B. the subject or topic

  • C. the tittle

B. the subject or topic


Which of the following has a negative connotation?

A. gaze

B. look steadily

C. stare

C. stare


The A comparison of two unlike things using the words 'like' or 'as' is called

A. Personification

B. Metaphor 

C. Simile

C. Simile


Detailed examination of elements is known as analysis. Which of the following is the best example:

A. Describing  the color, make and type of Nike shoes.

B. Comparing the colors of two different shirts.

C. Explaining the functions of the newest Apple phone such as face recognition, online access, voice texting, exclusive emojis, and apps.

D. Identifying the main characters in a story

C. Explaining the functions of the newest Apple phone such as face recognition, online access, voice texting, exclusive emojis, and apps.


Claire's class was having a food fair. Everyone was suppose to bring a different dish to ___________.

A. them

B. it

C. us

D. him

B. it


In a spell of dry weather, when the Birds could find very little to drink, a thirsty Crow found a pitcher with a little water in it. But the pitcher was high and had a narrow neck, and no matter how he tried, the Crow could not reach the water. The poor thing felt as if he would die of thirst. Then an idea came to him. Picking up some small pebbles, he dropped them into the pitcher one by one. With each pebble the water rose a little higher until at last it was near enough so he could drink.
What is the theme?

A. be persistent 

B. be honest

C. always share with others 

A. be persistent


Which word has a positive connotation?

A. Brainwash

B. Persuade 

B. Persuade 


"Life is a journey" is an example of what?

A. Simile

B. Hyperbole 

C. Metaphor

D. Alliteration 

C. Metaphor


Crack!  Thunder struck and rain poured.  Max stared blankly out the window, trying to contain his emotions that raged like the weather.  He was beginning to lose it.  Dropping the kite from his hand, Max broke out into full sob.  His mother comforted him, "There, there, Max.  We'll just find something else to do."  She began to unpack the picnic basket that was on the counter and offered him a sandwich.  Max snapped, "I don't wanna sand-mich!"  A flash from the sky lit up the living room.  Boom!  Mom sighed.

Why is Max upset?

A. It is raining and he cannot go outside

B. He is scared of thunderstorm

C. He is hungry

D. He is bored

A. It is raining and he cannot go outsid.


She said, "__________ should bring stuffed peppers."

A. You

B. They

C. We 

D. She

A. You


Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.
What is the central theme of this poem?

A. Nature and man

B. Innocence cannot last

C. Nature and Beauty 

C. Innocence cannot last


Which of the following is the denotation for privacy?

A. Center of public attention

B. Having an opportunity to be with a limited number of people

C. State of seclusion

C. State of seclusion


Which of these is not an example of an onomatopoeia?

A. Bang!


C. Purple pickles perpetuate perfectly


C. Purple pickles perpetuate perfectly


They weren’t on the hook by the phone and they weren’t in her purse. Alison checked the pockets of the jacket she’d worn the day before, but they weren’t there either. She looked at her watch and realized she would be late for work if she didn’t leave soon..

What is Alison looking for?

A. Her Keys

B. Her Car

C. Her hat 

D. Her Smoothie

A. Her keys



________ will give you my special recipe.

A. You

B. I

C. They

D. Them

B. I


What is the main difference between THEME and MAIN IDEA.

A.Theme is a universal lesson and main idea is what a story is about.

B. Theme is what a story is about and main idea is the universal lesson it teaches.

A.Theme is a universal lesson and main idea is what a story is about.


Which of the following has the most positive connotation?

A. Lazily

B. Carefree 

C. Hastily

B. Carefree


Choose the idiom

A. Singing squirrels sip soda with shrimp.

B. Making a mountain out of a molehill.

C. A tragedy movie ending in someone dying

D. All of these are idioms 

B. Making a mountain out of a molehill.

  • As the teacher lectured the class about how important it was to pay attention, Brian found himself staring out the window again. Suddenly, a little boy came up to the window and peeked in. The boy blew a bubble with his gum and it exploded all over his face and the window. Brian began laughing so hard he fell out of his seat. The rest of the class silently stared at him as the teacher walked to his desk.
    What can you infer about how the teacher will react?

  • A. She will ignore him and pretend she doesn't see.

  • B. She will scold Brian for not paying attention in class.

  • C. She will help him up and give him a piece of gum.

B. She will scold Brian for not paying attention in class.


Where is _______ book?

A. My

B. Mine

B. My


The best definition of theme is...

The message the author is sending.


Choose the word with the positive connotation.

A. inquiring

B. prying

A. inquiring