The French Language
Fancy People
Political Groups
Light and Mint
Geo Graph
Rando the Apostle
Wanting what's best for your whole country (And not just a region within it). Or wanting your country to exist.
What is Nationalism? 

Synonym for upper middle class? 

What is Bourgeoisie?


Emperor of France after the revolution and went on a war rampage across Europe? Sold us 1/3 of the entire U.S.A.

Who is Napoleon?

Who lead the continental army against the British in America's war for independence? 

Who is George Washington? 


These kinds of people want more changes than moderates, but don't go cray cray.

What are liberals? 


This person believed that “Life, Liberty, and Property” are our natural rights and that the Government must protect these rights 

Who is John Locke? 


For 100 points each, give me three reasons why Napoleon rode the struggle bus on his attempted capture of Russia

Scorched Earth Policy, Size, and Cold


This European country had the most land around the world at around the time period we're learning. Until Simon Bolivar and Jose San Martin did their thing.

What is Spain?


For 100 points each and giving every team a chance, name me three things that people of a nation have in common. 

Land, language, culture, religion, history, etc. 


This French Estate worked for the church and controlled most land per person

What is the clergy?


What do Kings and Queens claim as their right to rule however they please because of God?

What is Divine Right?


The execution device that became a symbol of the French Revolution

What is a Guillotine?


King and Queen of France executed during the French Revolution. (200 pts each)

Who are Louis XVI and Marie Antionette? 


For 200 points each, name me the two revolutionaries in Spanish South America. 

Who are Simon Bolviar and Jose San Martin? 


These kind of people want some changes but not too quickly and not too drastic

What are moderates? 


This person used the telescope to further the idea of the Earth revolving around the sun

Who is Galileo?


This was the name of a war that ravaged all of Europe and helped cause revolutions in Latin America 

What are the Napoleonic Wars?


This European country held the palace of Versailles and was the cultural center of Europe at the time

Where is France?


In order for Otto Von Bismarck to unify the Catholic South Germany with Northern Germany, he gave them both this that can also help unify people.

What is a common enemy? (France) 


Spain took so much of this raw material out of the Americas, it practically rendered it worthless

What is Silver?


Name for the period of thinking of new ways to learn about the natural world?

What is the Scientific Revolution?


A takeover of the government from within – How Napoleon took over France

What is a Coup D'état?


This man lead Brazil after his royal family went back home to Portugal after the Napoleonic Wars.

Who is Pedro? 


This man lead the slave revolution in Haiti

Who is Toussaint Louverture? 


These kinds of people want to keep things the way they are.

What are conservatives? 


This person came up with the laws of motion

Who is Sir Isaac Newton?


This is the time in the French Revolution where thousands were killed for being 'enemies of the revolution'

What is the Reign of Terror?


This country had a great navy and was difficult to invade because it is an island.

Where is (Great) Britain? 


For 100 points each, these are the ways how nations are formed

What is unification, separation, and nation building?


This was the first "emperor" of Rome and labeled dictator for life

Who is Julius Caesar?


What word defines “Nothing can be known for certain?” – became popular in response to religious political squabbles.

What is Skepticism?


Name of the beautiful, extravagant, and expensive palace built by Louis XIV? 

What is Versailles?


There are three Enlightened rulers we learned about that ruled Austria, Germany, and Russia. Name them for 400 points each.

Who are Joseph II, Catherine (The Great) and Frederick (The Great)? 


This man lead a failed revolution in Mexico by rallying non white Mexicans

Who is Miguel Hidalgo? 


These kinds of people want lots of change and they want it now

What are radicals? 


This person believed that civilization corrupted man's good nature - wrote the Social Contract

Who is Rousseau?


This was the war when Russia tried to get more land in the Black Sea but was halted by the British, French, Ottomans, and Sardinians?

What is the Crimean War? 


For 200 points each, name me the three Most Catholic countries in Western Europe that speak a "romantic/Latin language" 

Where is Spain?
Where is France?
Where is Italy? 


For 400 points, name me a random country of your choosing and tell me how it was formed based off of the three ways how nations were formed during the 1800s.



This is the name of the meeting of nations to talk about how to handle Europe (Most successful peace talks)

What is the Congress of Vienna?


What economic system kept all trade within the borders of an empire? – Required expansive land ownership.

What is Mercantilism? 


Name of the French prison whose storming became like a French "4th of July?"

What is the Bastille? 


Nephew of Napoleon who lead France through industrialization and the Franco Prussian war?

Who is Napoleon III? 


This man lead France during the reign of terror and oversaw many deaths via French Choppy Choppy Machine.

Who is Maximillian Robespierre? 


These people weren't in politics, but were practically slaves in most ways except for being property. Stuck on the farmland they worked on for generations.

What are serfs (serfdom)? 


This person used satire and fought for tolerance, reasons, and freedom of speech and religion

Who is Voltaire?


This was the war between the newly established Germany and France between Otto Von Bismarck & Wilhelm I and Napoleon III

What is the Franco Prussian War? 


UK, America, Scandinavia, and Northern Germany follow this brand of Christianity.

What is Protestantism? 


Two questions: 300 points EACH. The name of the Poem about some cavalry in the Crimean War and the name of the song used to describe Napoleon's attempted invasion of Russia

What is Charge of the Light Brigade?

What is the 1812 Overture? 


This is to show overwhelming force to destroy the enemies will to fight

What is Shock and Awe