Making Inferences
Prefixes and Suffixes
Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homophones
Nonfiction Text Features
Author's Purpose

Kendall packs as few things as possible to get through the next three days. She fills up her water bottle and packs her tent in her backpack. What can you infer? 

Kendall is going camping. 


Does the word "disconnect" have a prefix or a suffix? What is it? 

A Prefix: -dis

The root word in "disconnect" is connect. 


Choose the correct homophone. 

Batman is called the dark (night, knight) because he protects people. 


Batman is called the dark knight because he protects people.


This text feature is found at the front of the book. It gives the book's title and author. 

What is it? 

Title page. 




Bottlenose dolphins make their own kind of music. They send messages to one another, by squeaking and whistling. Their noises can warn other dolphins of possible dangers. 

What is the author's purpose? (PIE - Persuade, Inform, or Explain)

To inform. 


The bear gathered food and prepared its den. The leaves began turning colors and falling. What can you infer. 

The bear is going into hibernation. 

Also acceptable: 

It is Fall. 


What does the prefix im- mean in impatient, impossible, immortal. 

The prefix im- means not. 

Impatient = not patient

Impossible = not possible

Immortal = not mortal (they live forever!!)


What is a synonym? Give one example.

Words that mean the same or similar things. 

Examples can include: 

- clean, spotless, organized

- messy, sloppy, untidy


This text feature is like a mini-dictionary. It provides important words with their meanings. It is located in the back of the book. 

What is it? 

A glossary. 




Competitive tag is the greatest sport. It is an excellent form of exercise, is great for beginners, and does not cost much money. Anyone can play competitive tag. 

What is the author's purpose? (PIE - Persuade, Inform, or Explain)

To persuade. 


Bella and Grant asked the adult for cups, a small table, and poster board. Then they gathered lemons and sugar. What can you infer? 

Bella and Grant will make a lemonade stand.


Does the word "understandable" have a prefix or suffix? What is it? 

A suffix: -able

The root word in "understandable" is understand. 


Choose the correct homophone. 

The dog ate (they're, their, there) homework. 


The dog ate their homework. - the homework belongs to them.


This text feature is a separate box of important or interesting facts. 

What is it? 

A text box/side bar. 




In many cultures, lady bugs are considered good luck. Most people just think they are pretty. Farmers love them because they eat aphids and other insects. 

What is the author's purpose? (PIE - Persuade, Inform, or Explain)

To inform. 


Although he was a clown fish, when Marlin told a joke nobody laughed. What can you infer? 

Marlin's joke was not very funny. 


What does the suffix -less mean in the words careless, painless, and harmless? 

The suffix -less means without. 

Careless = without care; painless = without pain; harmless = without harm


Are the words "hero" and "villain": synonyms, antonyms, or homophones?

Antonyms - hero and villain are opposites 


This text feature organizes information into sections. It identifies the topic of the text (what the text will be about). 

What is it? 

A heading. 




Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 

Step 2: Mix the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans.

Step 3: Bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown. 

What is the author's purpose? (PIE - Persuade, Inform, or Explain)

To explain. 

Remmy the rat and the chef make delicious food together. The chef hides Remmy in his hat whenever they make food in the restaurant. What can you infer? 

The chef does not want anyone to see Remmy the rat. 


What is the prefix, root word, and suffix in the word "disorganized"? 

Prefix: "dis-" meaning not

Root word: "organize"

Suffix: "-ed" meaning it happened in the past


What is an antonym? Give one example. 

Words that are opposites. 

Examples can include: 

- day, night

- dark, light

- clean, messy


This text feature explains what a photograph or illustration is about. 

What is it? 

A caption. 




Schools need to give students longer recesses. Recess encourages students to exercise, creates time to build strong friendships, and is great for helping students learn. 

What is the author's purpose? (PIE - Persuade, Inform, or Explain)

To persuade.