Suicide is the fifth leading cause of death in south asians.
A mood disorder
- persistent low or irritable mood
- loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy
- refrain from meeting friends
Clinical depression
Mental health disorders cannot be treated or cured
(True or False)
There is a wide range of treatment/therapy options based on each individual's condition.
Friends and family support is an important factor in helping the individual recover
If you or a friend is in need of help please reach out and use the services provided by our school
What is MannMukti's next event?
Art therapy event
- make sure to bring your friends
- any art supplies you'd like
- come relax and have fun!
Mental Health problems are rare
1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental health issues, of which 14% are Asian.
A feeling of fear, uneasiness
- persistent and excessive worry
- panic attacks
- unwanted stress
Medication is the only solution for treating mental health disorders
(True or False)
While in some cases medication may be necessary or could help better the situation, in most cases, medication is not at all needed.
Where can you find the mental health resources ?
HINT: there is a certain website that has a list of all the services provided, contact numbers and other important information
You can just look up UTD Student Counseling Center
- you will find info on how to contact someone, or even how to help a friend
- UTD TALK contact number: 972-883-8255
Which month is dedicated to National Suicide Awareness?
90% of suicide deaths are caused by some form of mental health disorder
A difficulty one has after going through a tragic event
- nightmares, unwanted trauma memories
- heightened reactions
- anxiety and depressive mood
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Name at least 3 forms of treatment for people with mental health issues
- Counseling or Therapy
- Medications
- other, example habits such as meditation, journaling, etc..
one of the services provided by UTD is mental health workshops such as
- time and stress management
- sleep and self-care
(True or False)
- You may find this info on the utd student counseling center page
- register for these workshops on the website
What is the most common mental health illness?
Anxiety disorders
If a member of a family has mental health issues, you are more likely to develop one
a type of disorder where a person is conscious of their weight
- they may binge eat, then try to lose weight
- or they may eat very little to cause other serious malnutrition diseases.
Eating disorders
- Bulimia
- Anorexia
What are some common signs people with mental health disorders show? Name 3
Some examples:
- Lack of interest
- constant absence (work or hangouts)
- risk-taking behaviors/unusual behavior-saying goodbye, writing will
- unhealthy eating and sleeping
Where is the student counseling center located on campus?
Student Services Building (SSB)
- 4th floor
- SSB 4.600
Which popular Bollywood actress has spoken out about her struggles facing depression?
- she even founded an organization (Live Love Laugh) in 2015 to help advocate mental health and provide helpful resources to those facing stress, anxiety, and depression
Deepika Padukone
People with mental health illnesses are more violent and unpredictable
Most people with mental health illnesses are not violent. Only 3-5% of people are said to be violent, and they also have serious mental health illnesses.
This disorder is characterized by
- episodes of mood swings
- depressive lows or hyperactive highs
Bipolar Disorder
If a friend tells you that they will commit suicide. What would you do?
Tell someone and seek immediate help for your friend!
It is better to have a friend upset with you and alive
Does UTD provide mental health resources and counseling for Alumni?
Unfortunately no,
- They can refer alumni to counselors and providers in the community
- MannMukti has resources on its Instagram page
Which country's prime minister was re-elected in 2001 after publicly taking time off for depression?
A. Great Britain
B. Russia
C. Norway
D. India
C. Norway
Prime minster, Kjell Magne Bondevik, took off a few weeks before returning to office
- He said the time off was helpful and he even received a lot of supportive letters