what michael is
what is illegal
dannys favorite color
what is green
michaels real name
what is bobert
what are those
what are my crocs
The year it sank
What is 1912
michaels favorite color
what is red
the name of dannys heterochromic cat
what is avi
dannys favorite jeopardy alumni
who is brad idklastname
pumpkin flavored everything
what is ha ha ha canibilism
The number of dogs on board
What is 12
michaels dads name
dannys moms name
what is sarah
the color michael wears the most
what is red
with friends
what are pokemon pranks
RMS stands for
What is royal mail ship
michaels middle name
what is alan
dannys middle name
what is... ha ha u will never know
michael is better than danny at this
yeah i sure hope it does
what is road work ahead
What year did the Titanic movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio come out
What is 1997
michaels favorite song
what is purple lamborgini
something danny is better than michael at
what is everything
the color of dannys water bottle
what is green
there all cute and...
what is there mine now
The amount of time it took the titanic to sink
What is 5 minutes