Coping Skills
True or False

Maria is having her birthday party this weekend. How do you think Maria is feeling?

Excited, Happy, Joyful


What is an "I statement"?

Expressing the way something or someone makes you feel by saying, 

"I feel _____ because _____"


What is an example of deep breathing?

Inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly


What is a support system?

A group of people who want to help you/encourage you with improving your well-being: mental and physical health and functioning in different environments. (Family, Friends, Teachers, Coach, etc.)

Who is in your support system?


True or False: 

Drawing can help lower a person's heart rate


Drawing can help lower a person's heart rate


Jordan was excited to go to the park, but now it is raining. How do you think Jordan is feeling now that he cannot go to the park?

Sad, Unhappy, Disappointed


Using your words and tones to express yourself is what form of communication?

Verbal Communication


How can listening to music be used as a coping skill?

Listening to music can be relaxing and take your mind off of stressors.

Music has a great affect on our emotions/feelings; be mindful of what kind of music you listen to and how is makes you feel.


Which of the following is a benefit of using healthy coping skills?

a) they reduce stress

b) they allow us to create better relationships

c) they allow us to have a healthy body and mind

d) all of the above

d) all of the above


True or False:

You can only feel one emotion at a time


Many individuals can feel more than one emotion at a time.

Ex: confused & angry


Amy is on her way to a new theme park with big rollercoasters, but Amy does not like heights. What do you think Amy is feeling?

Nervous, Anxious, Uncomfortable


Facial expressions, body language, posture, gestures, and eye-contact (or no eye-contact) are considered which form of communication?

Non-verbal communication


Name 5 healthy coping skills

Deep Breathing, Mindfulness, Journaling, Drawing/Painting, Taking a walk, Talking to someone you trust, Dancing, Singing, Positive Affirmations, Taking a bath/shower, 


What is a positive affirmation? 

Give 2 examples

A positive statement that can provide encouragement and/or challenge negative thoughts.

Ex: "I am strong", "I am beautiful", "I am enough" "I am brave", "I am worthy", "I am loved", etc.


True or False:

Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives.


Coping skills help us work through our problems and emotions. You should "avoid" your problems or emotions. Avoidance is considered an unhealthy coping skill.


Alex has been waiting in line for a long time to meet his favorite football player. Alex then sees three more people cut into the front of the line. How do you think Alex is feeling?

Angry, Mad, Impatient, Annoyed, Bothered


Luke had an angry face, used a loud voice with a serious tone and pointed his finger while communicating with someone. Would you say Luke used Passive Communication, Assertive Communication or Aggressive Communication.

Aggressive Communication


Taking time for yourself to attend your emotional, physical, mental, and/or spiritual needs is known as what?

Self care is not always "pampering" yourself but perhaps getting exercise, eating right, reading a good book, practicing spiritual beliefs, talking to someone you trust.


When is a good time to use/utilize your healthy coping skills?

When you start to feel like you are losing control of your behaviors or emotions.


True or False:

Everyone uses the same coping skills for their stressors.


Each person may prefer to use their own coping skill. What may work for one person may not work for another and that's okay.


Diego is standing up straight with his head held high and making eye contact with others. What do you think Diego is feeling?

Proud, Confident, Assured


Name the 3 communication styles

1. Passive

2. Assertive

3. Aggressive


Using your five senses: to look, to listen, to taste, to smell, to touch can be known as what kind of coping skill?



What are the 5 Love Languages?

Acts of Service, Gifts, Physical Touch, Quality Time, and Words of Affirmation


True or False:

A good friend is someone who will always agree with me, even when I am wrong.

A good friend will tell you the truth whether you are RIGHT or WRONG as long is it respectfully.