Defining Characteristics
Identification Process
Teacher Guidelines
Personal Reflection
Definition of an intellectual disability 

What is a term used when there are limits to a person’s ability to learn at an expected level and function in daily life?


The environmental causes of a ID

What are diseases, malnutrition, toxic exposure, child abuse, neglect, poverty, and lack of stimulation?


Signs of an Intellectual Disability

What is sitting up, crawling, or walking later than other children, learning to talk later, or having trouble speaking, find it hard to remember things, trouble understanding social cues, trouble seeing the result of their actions, and have trouble solving problems?


Adjustments to communication styles

What is getting students’ attention before speaking, being clear and specific, using visual instructions, giving prompts immediately before each activity, and give encouragement and correction?


Best serving your students

What is ....? 

Difficulties students face with an intellectual disability

What is thinking skills, such as attention, reasoning, problem solving, memory, planning, and judgement?


The genetic cause of a ID

What are chromosomal abnormalities, fragile X chromosome abnormalities, and fetal alcohol syndrome?


Indicators of a mild ID

What is usually not identified until school age, most students master many academic skills, most able to learn job skills well enough to support themselves independently or semi-independently?


Adjustments to activities and expectations

What is take ownership of students and becoming familiar with the full range of goals and objectives on the student’s IEP?


Create an inclusive classroom

What is...? 


The health and movement of students with ID

What is tiring easily, overreactive, and restless? 


Percentage of students that don't know their cause for ID

What is 40-50% of students? 


Identifiers of a severe ID

What is usually identified at birth, most have significant central nervous system damage, likely to have health care problems that require intensive supports?


Person-centered planning

What is planing the curriculum and adaptations for students collaboratively with special educator and families and student?


Taking ownership of students' needs

What is...?