This document is required to be filled during every shift; tracks tasks and incidents.
What is the End of Shift Report?
The batteries of this item must be checked before a Candlelight Yoga class.
What are the electric candles?
This is why it's important that program monitors check in on their classes.
What is to ensure participant safety?
Campus Recreation is focused on providing these things.
What are exceptional programs, services, and facilities?
This is the primary purpose of tabling.
What is to promote fitness classes and services?
Participants must be greeted and communicate in a matter that makes them feel __.
What is comfortable and included?
This is how bikes should be placed after a class.
What is lined up against the wall without the red wheel touching the wall?
This is how to handle heatstroke during an outside class.
What is ensuring participants are hydrated?
What is providing water breaks?
What is choosing shaded areas?
This is one of the FISH philosophies.
What is Be There?
What is Play?
What is Make Their Day?
What is Choose Your Attitude?
This is an essential material often used at a tabling event.
This is the first step in setting up for a group exercise class.
What is setting up the instructor's spot and checking in with them?
Pilates participants need this for each class.
What is a yoga mat?
This is where the closest AED is for Strength Zone classes.
What is next to the FAA desk?
This is why we do Real Worlds.
What is learning skills to use in real life?
This is what you should do after finishing a tabling event.
What is cleaning and packing up materials?
This policy dictates that participants have a guaranteed spot until 5 minutes before class starts.
What is the No-Show Policy?
Participants must be set up this many feet away from the instructor.
What is 2-3 feet?
This is the recommended action if a participant feels dizzy.
What is sitting them down?
What is offering water?
What is notifying the BM.
This core value emphasizes creating a positive and welcoming enviornment for all.
What is Relationships?
This is the best way to engage participants.
What is greeting participants?
Program monitors are expected to do this with broken equipment.
What is report the equipment to supervisors and remove it from the studio (if possible)?
This equipment is needed for an Aikido class.
What are the black foldable mats?
These are the steps that should be taken if a participant experiences an asthma attack.
What is ensuring they have their inhaler?
What is contacting emergency services if the situation escalates?
What is the Stress Less Study Sesh?
What is the spinning wheel?