What are 'echo chambers'?
an environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own.
What factors contribute to whether a person becomes more conservative or more liberal when faced with an opposing point of view
The people and area you were raised/ surrounded by contributes greatly to a persons political views.
What were some challenges the study faced?
Having to catorgize people into different groups based on their compliance. Meaning some were not able to answer all of the survey questions, and identify the animal of the week. Another challenge may be, the limited information of cultural, social, and familial background, that may influence the participants of the study.
What if a conservative news outlet such as Fox news started to have a liberal point of view?
Due to the study’s findings, it would most likey not influence someone’s point of view, but rather further push their current stance.
What changes can be made to social media to decrease echo chambers?
we can seek disconfirmation (info that actively contradicts preconceived opinions)
if peoples views for their current identifying political party are strengthened in echo chambers, and are also strengthened when they are exposed to the opposing sides viewpoints, than do we have any hope for people seeing eye to eye in regards to politics in the future?
Most believe people will never see eye to eye in regards to politics in the future because of trends from the past
This study hypothesized that BACKFIRE EFFECTS will more likely to occur among conservatives than liberals. What factors might contribute to this being true?
In the study it spoke about the values, schemas and tradition conservatives hold vs. liberals. It is said that conserivties, “prioritize certainty and tradition, whereas liberals value change and diversity. We also build upon recent studies in cultural sociology that examine the deeper cultural schemas and narratives that create and sustain such value differences”
If "echo chambers" were to be eliminated and everyone would see both parties on their feed, would political polarization still be as prevalent on social media?
Yes, because people would still find others who agree with them in comment sections, or follow those who post information supporting their own views. Basically creating their own echo chambers in search of confirmation bias.
Do people prefer echo chambers, due to confirmation bias?
echo chambers circulates existing views without encountering opposing views potentially leading to confirmations bias
Does a person's parents political ideologies influence the effect of the treatment in this experiment?
Parents have a huge influence of a person political beliefs so it would end up influencing the experiment.
What are some other important factors that were not included in the study?
Demographic, Age, Household political stance, and/or religion.
What would happen if someone was surrounded with others who dissagred with their point of view throughout the study rather than online information?
In the article, it speaks about the absence of facial cues and body language being a factor in online debates. Without body language the article claims to escalate arguments or misunderstandings online. If there was information coming from a physical person instead, this may influence the subject in a positive way towards another view.
With social media apps being considered “echo chambers” how does news companies contribute?
they tend to copy each others reports on the views of a single source
Can social media interventions that expose individuals to opposing political views effectively reduce political polarization? If so, what are some ideas that can help with this?
They can it depends on a persons current views and how they take it whether it changes things overall. Introducing from different perspectives will help others be more open to hearing the different views.
Do you think the study's findings suggest that political engagement on social media is inherently problematic? How can individuals balance the benefits of participating in online political discussions with the potential risks of increased polarization?
Yes, we believe that the studies finding confirmed social media is mostly problematic. Due to the negative effects of echo chambers. Social media wants to keep you entertained, and do that by showing things you like on your feed rather than opposing facts that may upset you.
what would be the impact of removing political parties have on polarization?
As we learned in chapter 5, as long as there are groups finding a consensus on a subject, for this instance government, political parties will not have an impact on erasing polaraization. Only reframing it.