It is completely acceptable to ask the homeowner if they have a secondary phone number or an email in a combined question.
The guideline specifically highlights that these questions must be asked as two separate questions.
This guideline is worth how many points?
A) 1 point
B) 2 points
C) 3 points
D) 4 points
C) 3 points
True or False?
Same Day requests must be approved by a manager.
Same Day appointments do not require any manager approval. There is no need to inquire about Same Day requests with your manager.
Retaining a customer's email address is not very important since most people do not use email much these days anyway. This is why it's optional for the customer to provide us with one.
Email communication is an essential means of staying in touch with past, current, and future customers! During the initial qualification, it is crucial we attempt to obtain an email address for this purpose. If a customer is reluctant to provide their email, no problem. Our job is simply to ask.
The homeowner John Smith states their email is "my first name dot last name at gmail dot com". Select the appropriate spelling for this email:
D) Smith,
This option follows proper email structure, and is obviously the correct answer! Important to note, email addresses are not case-sensitive.
You answer a Field Marketing Inbound call and Outreach informs you of an add on request. Select the best course of action:
A) Qualify the customer, and midway through the call, ask for permission to be placed on hold, and inform your manager of the request.
B) Immediately place the customer on hold to make sure the add on will be approved before continuing the call.
C) As soon as you know it's an add on, send the DL into your team chat, tag your manager, ask "add on?" and continue qualifying until your question is acknowledged.
D) Qualify the customer, set the appointment as normal. No need for manager approval.
C) As soon as you know it's an add on, send the DL into your team chat, tag your manager, ask "add on?" and continue qualifying until your question is acknowledged.
Remember, for add on requests, be sure to ask for who installed the solar, how long panels have been installed, and if the panels are owned/leased.
You should always spell out the customer's email address, just to make sure you have it correct.
Certain emails are very easy to understand, and in most cases, the customer will spell it out for you! If you are really unsure, of course you may ask. But in the interest of brevity, if you trust your gut from active listening, it is not required to ensure spelling accuracy. Echoing helps a lot in this moment!
What does Trinity Solar use email addresses for?
A) To market to customers
B) To communicate about project updates
C) To send and receive tax documents for incentives
D) All of the above
D) All of the above
In addition to A, B and C, Trinity Solar utilizes customer email addresses for multiple reasons. This is why it is so important we attempt to gather the email address during the initial qualification.
Which of the following property use designations would be considered a DQ?
A) Modular/manufactured
B) Mobile/manufactured
C) Single Family Residential
D) Rural/Agricultural
B) Mobile/manufactured
The reason this property type is a DQ is that mobile/manufactured homes do not have a foundation. If the homeowner contests- you may ask if the homeowner can provide proof of single family residential ownership during the consultation. If yes, set the appointment! If no, politely disqualify.
You should delete any placeholder emails left on the lead by Outreach ( in the event the homeowner does not provide an email address.
Placeholder emails should always be removed, as they do not help us further communicate with the homeowner. Also, we do not want these placeholder emails showing up on printed proposals that customers will physically receive and review. This is why data hygiene is so important!
Select the incorrect domain:
C) does not exist. is the correct domain. If a customer simply states "@verizon" or "@gmail" and you are unsure of the domain, you may always ask to be sure.
True or False?
Trinity Solar offers Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers.
Trinity can install an electric vehicle (EV) charger as part of the overall solar system. The cost depends on the kind of charger the customer's car needs and their electrical setup.
During the early part of a field marketing call, Outreach informs you that the client is in a rush, doesn't have any trees on the property, and has no email to provide. You do not need to ask the customer if they have an email they wish to provide once you speak with them.
Asking the customer directly for their email address is the expectation on all calls. We can not take Outreach's statements as final unless echoed by the customer. This also applies to the trees.
A customer states their email address is "Love Shack B52 at". Select the best response option:
A) "Ok great, I have l o v e s h a c k B (as in boy) five two at, correct?"
B) "Awesome. Got it. Thank you."
C) "That's a weird email. But I think I got it!"
D) Either A or B
D) Either A or B
This answer depends on your level of confidence. Some emails are very easy to interpret and spell out, others can be more challenging. It is important to trust yourself, and be confident. It is also important to double-check anything you are feeling unsure of, to ensure accuracy.
The caller asks "Will going solar replace my electric company?" Choose the best response:
A) Yes, solar completely replaces your need for grid electricity.
B) No, solar works in tandem with grid electricity. Battery backups can further limit grid usage.
C) That's a great question for our solar professional
D) Either B or C
D) Either B or C
B and C are both good responses. B truthfully answers the client's inquiry, and we can ALWAYS defer to the Solar Professional.