Infection Control
A Resident has an infection that requires precautions of some type. How do you know where the infection is?

There is a color coded sign with proper PPE by their name plate


Before you enter a room for any reason, what must you do?



A resident is out of a scheduled medication in their drawer, where is the first place you should look to see if med is in building


True or False. Only Aides must be on the floor during meal times. Nurses can sit at the desk and chart.

False. It should be all hands on deck


A call light is going off in a group that is not yours. You do not have to answer it because it's not your resident. True or False?

False.  Anyone can answer a call light


What PPE is needed for contact precautions

Gown and gloves


In providing privacy during care what are 2 things you must do?

close door and pull curtain


Where are med carts and treatment carts to be if not being used?

back of hallway


How many doors can a tray go past once it has left the cart?



A resident is on Enhanced Barrier precautions. What do you need to do to provide care for that resident

Don PPE of gown and gloves


A Resident that is on contact precautions for urine may share the bathroom with other residents? 



A resident has finished a fabulous lunch of spaghetti, remnants of the lunch are on his shirt and face. It is ok to leave that shirt on because he will just get it dirty again at supper. True or False?

False, his shirt must be changed


On a controlled substance, you notice the resident is getting low on the medication and it appears he/she does not have a refill. How many days in advance do we need to ensure we have a script sent in to the pharmacy?

at least 3 days. This means notifying MD/NP at about day 5 or 4 to ensure it gets to pharmacy.


What care must be provided to a resident prior to eating?

Wash hands and face


A resident is a mechanical lift. How many people are required by law to operate the lift?

2. Do not operate the lift by yourself


What color is the sign for a resident that has c-diff



What should a resident receive every day that it is not their shower day?

a bed bath hitting the high points.


If you are handed a stop and watch, what are you to do with it?

 You are to assess the resident, notify MD of change of condition, Notify RP of change of condition, input any new orders, and put on guideline charting for a minimum of 72 hours


 A resident is a total assisted diner. You are assisting this resident with the meal. They are non verbal, it is ok for you to be charting and or on social media at this time? True or Fals



A resident is a DNR, they have had a change of condition that could mean they would be sent to the hospital. What do you do?

You call the MD and send to hospital. DNR does not mean DO NOT TREAT. It is not comfort care or hospice. It means if the heart stops beating we do not perform CPR that's it


What is the proper order of putting on PPE for a resident in a transmission based precaution room

The order is gown, mask, goggles (face shield), gloves


What should every resident have on when they are put to bed at night?

pajamas or a facility gown.


A resident is on coumadin. He/she had a PT/INR drawn this am, you have not seen the results. It is now time to give the coumadin what do you do?

You DO NOT give the coumadin until you call get the PT/INR results, notify the MD and receive orders to continue dose or change dose.


If a resident rings the bell while trays are being passed and needs to use the bathroom. What do you do?

You take the resident to the bathroom. You cannot stop feeding a resident to assist to the bathroom. But if you are passing trays you stop and take care of the resident


How long does it take for a pressure injury to form

2 hours