Two Sides of the mask

A Beautiful Mind
Things that Jack-Jack would do

The nurse receives a lab report indicating a client's serum level is 1 mEq/L. The client's last dose of lithium was 8 hours ago. What does this result indicate?

What is within therapeutic limits?

Normal range after the last dose of lithium is 0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L


What kind of fetal anomalies are most often associated with oligohydramnios?



A client diagnosed with schizophrenia has received Prolixin (Fluphenazine) twice a month for 3 years. The clinic nurse notes that the client grimaces and constantly smacks both lips. The client's neck and shoulders twist in a slow, snakelike motion. Which problem would the nurse suspect?

What is tardive dyskinesia


The nurse is performing an initial assessment of a client in labor. What is the appropriate terminology for the relationship of the fetal body parts to one another?

A. Lie

b. Presentation

c. Attitude

d. Position


A patient is currently overweight. Which three second generation antipsychotics do you except to not be prescribed?

What are





A health teaching plan for a client taking lithium should include which instructions?

A. Maintain normal salt and fluids in diet

B. Drink twice usual daily amount of fluid

C. Avoid eating aged cheese, processed meats, and red wine

D. Anticipate anticholinergic side effects

What is maintain normal salt and fluids in diet?


A woman in labor passes some thick meconium as her amniotic fluid ruptures. The client ask the nurse where the baby makes the meconium. What is the correct response by the nurse?

A. Fetal intestines

b. Fetal kidneys

c. Amniotic fluid

d. Placenta


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia says ''Contagious bacteria are everywhere. When they get in your body, you will be locked up with other infected people.'' Which problem is evident?

What is paranoia?


Which statement by the client would lead the nurse to believe labor has been established?

A. I passes some thick, pink mucus when I urinated this morning

b. My bag of water just broke

c. The contraction in my uterus are getting stronger and closure together

d. My baby dropped, and I have to urinate more frequently now


A woman with asthma is experiencing a postpartum hemorrhage. Which drug should be avoid when treating postpartum bleeding to avoid exacerbating asthma?

A. Oxytocin (pitocin)


C. Hemabate

d. Fentanyl


A client diagnosed with bipolar disorder displays aggressiveness, agitation, talkativeness, and irritability. The nurse expects the health care provider to prescribe am education from which group?

What are mood stabilizers?


The various system and organs of the fetus develop at current stages. Which statement is most accurate?

A. Cardiovascular system is the first organ system to function in the developing human

b. Hematopoiesis originating in the yolk sac begins in the liver at 10 weeks of gestation

c. Body changes from straight to C-shape occur at 8 weeks of gestation

d. Gastrointestinal system is mature at 32 weeks of gestation


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia says ''It's beat. Time to eat. No room for the cat.'' What type of verbalization is evident?

What is associative looseness?


The nurse expects which maternal cardiovascular finding during labor?

A. Increased cardiac output

b. Decreased pulse rate

c. Decreased WBC count

d. Dcreased blood pressure


Which first generation antipsychotic do you educated the patient to wear SPF and anticipate anticholinergic effects and rise slowly?

What is Thorazine?


Which nursing diagnosis would most likely apply to a client diagnosed with major depressive disorder as well as one experiencing acute mania?

What is disturbed sleep pattern?


Which presumptive sign or symptom of pregnancy would a client experience who is approximately 10 weeks of gestation?

A. Amenorrhea

b. Positive pregnancy test

c. Chadwick sign

d. Hegar sign


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia begins to talk about the ''macnabs'' hiding in the warehouse. The client use of ''macnabs'' should be documented using what term?

What is neologism?


What is the correct term describing the slight overlapping of cranial bones or shaping of the fetal head during labor?

A. Lightening

b. Molding

c. Ferguson reflex

d. Valsalva maneuver 


The client being cared for has severe preeclampsia and is receivING a magnesium sulfate infusion. Which new finding would give the nurse cause for concern?

A. Respiratory rate of 10 breaths per minute

b. Absent ankle clonus

c. Sleepy, sedated affect

d. DTRs of 2


The bipolar taking lithium client exhibits fine hand tremors, nausea and vomiting, confusion and vision changes. What is suspected of occurring?

What is lithium toxicity?


A client is seen at clinic at 14 weeks of gestation for a follow up appointment. At which level does the nurse expect to palpate the fundus?

A. Nonpalpable above the symphysis at 14 weeks of gestation

b. Slightly above the symphysis pubis

c. At the level of umbilicus

d. Slightly above the umbilicus


A newly hospitalized client experiencing psychosis says, ''red chair out town bed''. Which term should the nurse use to document this finding?

What is word salad?


Which hormone is essential in maintaining pregnancy?

A. Estrogen

b. hCG

c. Oxytocin

d. Progesterone


The patient is prescribed haldol and is at an increased risk for agranulocy tosis. What type of symptoms indicate agranulocytosis?

What are fku-like symptoms?