What is Neurodiversity?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Specific Learning Disorders (e.g. dyscalculia, dysgraphica, dyslexia)

What is the definition of neurodiversity? 神經多樣性的定義是什麼?

The range of differences in individual brain function and behavioral traits, regarded as part of normal variation in the human population. 個體大腦功能和行為特徵的差異範圍,被視為人類正常變異的一部分。

Acceptable answer: 

The different ways a person's brain processes information. 不同人類的大腦處理訊息的不同方式。


What does ADHD stand for? ADHD是什麼的簡稱?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 注意力不足過動症


ASD is more common in boys than girls. Give an estimation of the gender ratio (e.g., 3 to 1). 自閉症譜系障礙在男孩中比女孩更常見。估計性別比例(例如 3 比 1)。

ASD affects more boys than girls and the ratio is 6.58 to 1.自閉症譜系障礙  影響的男孩多於女孩,比例為 6.58 比 1。

Acceptable Answer: 5-8 to 1/5-8比1


What is the most common specific learning disorder that affects a person's ability to accurately and fluently read?  影響一個人準確流利閱讀能力的最常見的特定學習障礙是什麼?

Dyslexia 閱讀障礙


It is a common myth that neurodiversity is a fancy term for mental illness, but it is crucial to differentiate between neurodiversity and mental health conditions.

How might you provide a gentle correction to someone who has erroneously stated that neurodiversity is the same as mental illness?



Neurodiversity is the natural differences in how people's brains and minds work. It includes autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. These are not illnesses; they are just different ways that the brain works. 

On the other hand, illnesses like depression and worry are related to emotional and mental health. Some neurodiverse people may have problems with their mental health, but it's important to know that neurodiversity is not a mental illness.



Acceptable Answer: anything along this line is acceptable. 和這個答案類似都可以。


How might having ADHD affect someone’s school experience academically and socially?

Academically: focus, pay attention, listen, and put the effort in schoolwork

Socially: Listening to others, paying attention, misinterpret social cues; people may treat them differently; anger and irritability may be hard to control so can lead to friendship issues



Acceptable:Answer: Give an effect on each area. 答出對學業及社交這兩個區域各一個的影響。


List 2 common behavioral characteristics of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? 列出兩個自閉症 (ASD) 患者有的常見行為特徵?

  • hand flapping. 揮舞手掌

  • bouncing on toes. 在腳趾上彈跳

  • body rocking or swaying.身體搖晃或搖擺

  • holding parts of his body in unusual positions. 將他身體的某些部位保持在不尋常的位置。

  • biting arm, hitting head, or other forms of self-injury.咬手臂、擊打頭部或其他形式的自傷。

  • avoiding eye contact. 避免目光接觸。

  • repeating vocalizations 重複發聲 (比如說 for example "eeeeeee")

Acceptable Answer: at least 2 of the above 任何以上兩點


 In the context of specific learning disorders, what is the primary characteristic of individuals with dyscalculia? 


Difficulty in acquiring mathematical skills, particularly in understanding arithmetic concepts and performing accurate calculations. 難以獲得數學技能,尤其是理解算術概念和進行準確計算。

Acceptable Answer:任何接近答案


Lose 100 points :(



In the past, psychologists differentiated between ADD and ADHD, but not anymore. What was that difference? 过去,心理学家区分注意力不足症(ADD) 和注意力不足過動症 (ADHD),但现在不再区分了。那兩者有什么不同呢?

Hyperactivity. ADD (attention-deficit disorder) is an outdated term for what is now called ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). Some kids with ADHD have hyperactive behaviors and some don't, but the diagnosis is ADHD either way. 不同在於多动症。 ADD(注意力不足症)是现在所谓的 ADHD(注意力不足過動症)的一个过时术语。有些患有多动症的孩子有过度活跃的行为,有些则没有,但无论如何诊断都是多动症。

Acceptable Answer:多動症。Hyperactivity.


List 2 ways you can turn your theoretical knowledge about Autism to communication with real-life classmates that actually have Autism. 


Ask about their experiences; use friendly language and attitude to communicate with them; be patient, communicate clearly, take the initiative to include them, show interest in their interests; be humble and listen. 詢問他們的經驗;用友善的語言和態度與他們溝通;要有耐心,溝通清晰,主動包容他們,對他們的興趣表現出興趣;保持謙虛並傾聽。

Acceptable Answer:

任何以上的答案 Any of the above


Steal 100 points from the other team!!



List two common traits of neurodiversity 列出神經多樣性的一個常見症狀

1. Difficulties in

Communication 溝通困難

2. Sensory issues 感官問題

3. Nonlinear thinking (or ability to think outside of the box)非線性思維(或跳脫框架思考的能力)

4. High levels of focus 高度關注

5. Hyperfocused on their Interests 及其專注於自己的興趣

6. Daydreaming 做白日夢

7. Insomnia 失眠

8. Surprising reactions (unable to process emotions/overstimulated) 令人驚訝的反應(無法處理情緒/過度刺激)

9. Physical tics 身體抽動

10. Lack of sociability 社交能力較弱 

Acceptable Answer: 任何在列表上的/接近列表上的答案 any listed/close to those listed


Quick Question- Reply in 5 seconds! 快問快答!請在五秒之內回答!

Name the 17th letter in the alphabet! 英文字母的第17個字母是什麼?

Getting it right would yield 200 points! 答案正確會增加200分! Getting it wrong would give the other team 100 points! 答案錯誤將會從你的隊伍給另一個隊伍100分!



Lose 200 points...



Name three potential neurobiological factors that have been implicated in the development of specific learning disorders, particularly dyslexia. 列出與特定學習障礙(尤其是閱讀障礙)的發展有關的三個潛在的神經生物學因素。

Genetic Factors, Neuroanatomical Abnormalities, and Neurotransmitter Function can influence the development of specific learning disorders. 遺傳因素、神經解剖學異常和神經傳導物質功能可以影響特定學習障礙的發展。

Acceptable Answer: 必須列出三個因素。Must list all three factors.