someone or something that gains a lot of attention
what is viral
a person who inspires or guides the actions of others.
what is a influencer
sing a social handle or username of a person or business in your post or photo.
what is a tag?
a live video-based meeting between two or more people
what is a video conference
A one-way media that can only be sent
what is traditional media?
a digital audio program consisting of a series of audio episodes
what is a podcast
when a comment or an additional block of code is placed inside of another block of code.
what is Nested comments
a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line.
what is voice over ip
a tool that allows you to collate posts and updates from many different social media feeds.
what is aggregator
the measurement of the size of the audience that has seen your ads or campaign content.
what is Reach
a word or keyword phrase preceded by a hash symbol
what is a hashtag
someone who takes part in something
what is a contributor
Content developers use this language with a variety of forms of content
what is XML
a method of transmitting or receiving data (especially video and audio material)
what is streaming
a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity
what is a Participant
a web development protocol that serves as a technique used to effectively send and retrieve data
what is AJAX
A 2 way form of media that allows people to comment, post and send
what is social media
a proposed development of the World Wide Web in which data in web pages is structured and tagged in such a way that it can be read directly by computers
what is semantic web
real-time communication method used to interact with customers or website visitors through instant messaging.
what is a live chat
the simple livestreaming of a presentation, meeting or physical event from a host (or hosts) to a much larger online audience
what is a webcast
the information that describes and explains data.
what is metadata
the number of times your content was seen, including multiple views from individual users
what is impression
an electronic message sent immediately
what is Instant messages
recognizing exclusion, learning from your followers, and presenting information in the clearest ways possible.
what is accessibility
the number of people who saw or read your post