When is Cristiano Ronaldos birthday?
5th February 1885
when has Nikolaj Jacobsen birthday?
22 November 1971
what is the most healty food
Blueberrys, avocado, kale, carrots
what town does Suzan live in?
When is Lionel Messis birthday?
24th June 1987
The three islands, named for saints. who Denmark owned, but sold to America
What is "De dansk-vest-indiske øer"
(Danish west-indian islands)
How many times has the danish mens national team won the world cup in handball
What is the Danish National Dish?
Stegt flæsk with persillesovs
What is Matildes fav dish?
Remoulade with cooked potatoes
When is the next world cup?
How many years did Margrethe 2. stay on the trone as queen
52 years
when has Nicklas Landin birthday
19 december 1988
what is the second best food in the world?
What sport does Nelly go to?
What was the first football made of?
A human head
what time line did slavery get prohibited?
in the time line around the world is was about 1770-1835
when has Mikkel Hansen birthady?
22 october 1987
What is the best food in the world?
What sports does Cemal go to
Football and Music
When did football become a olympic game?
There is the Stoneage and Bronzeage but what was the first age called?
When has Mie Højlund birthday?
24 october 1997
What vegatable has most vitamins
What sport does Sophia go to?