how many meters does one minecraft block equal
1 meter
What game did he first appear in?
Donkey Kong
Who is Ash's main Pokemon
What game does Jacob always win at (right now)
Table Tennis
What is the most famous evil mob
the creeper
How many mariokart games (console only)
What does Charmander evolve into
Horse or Glider
what fruit is on level 1 on beginner of archery
how do you get to the end dimension (bonus for how to activate.)
You need to find an end portal, to activate the portal you need eyes of ender.
Who is he trying to save in the Super Mario Games
What you think dad is?
What is the name of the relm
What are the three game in swordplay
Duel, Speed slice, Showdown
What is the worst type of sword for fighting?
Wooden Sword
what are the power ups from the original
Super mushroom, Fire Flower, Super Star
Who were the two trainers accompanying Ash
Brock, Misty
What is the name of the main antogonist
Ganon, or Ganondorf
What is the max score in three point contest
How many Types of wood are there? Triple points if you name them all.
9, oak, birch, dark oak, acacia, jungle, spruce, mangrove, crimson and warped.
Who voiced mario in the recent movie
Chris Pratt
What are the names of Team Rocket (bonus points for there main pokemon)
Jesse, James, Meowth. Arbock, Weezing
Which game introduced the Sheikah Slate and its various rune abilities?
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
What is the name of the other table tennis game
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