Work and Inventions
Reading for pleasure

What is important for you in a career? (3-4 benefits)



What Is STEM? What Does It Stand For?

STEM is an acronym commonly used in education and business. The four letters in STEM stand for:

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics

 What is difference between fiction and non-fiction?

The main difference between fiction and non-fiction is the basis of their content. Fiction is subject to the author’s imagination and artistic freedom while nonfiction is based on pure facts and accurate information. Fiction appeals to human emotion; it aims to entertain. On the other hand, nonfiction appeals to the human intellect; it aims to educate.


Name 12 tenses in English

  1. Simple Present
  2. Simple Past
  3. Simple Future
  4. Present Continuous
  5. Past Continuous
  6. Future Continuous
  7. Present Perfect
  8. Past Perfect
  9. Future Perfect
  10. Present Perfect Continuous
  11. Past Perfect Continuous
  12. Future Perfect Continuous

Define the word "inanimate", give an example of a sentence with this word.

not alive; appearing to be not alive

e.g. Frankenstein was dead but his inanimate body was brought to life again by the young scientist Victor Frankenstein.


Give one example of successful businessman / entrepreneur. Tell about his inspiration, projects, success.



What STEM careers are the most popular ones in your country / around the world?



What genres does fiction and non-fiction include?

Fiction: Fables, Folktales, Fairytales, Fantasy, Mystery, Myth, Legend, Historical Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Drama, Poetry, Science Fiction

Non-fiction: Biography, Autobiography, Newspaper Article, Essay, Documentary, Speeches, Diaries, Letters, Informational.


Can you give 3 examples of a sentences in the present perfect tense?

Well done!


Make a sentence with the word "inflammation"



Which talents did Leonardo da Vinci possess?

Leonardo da Vinci possessed a multitude of talents, including painting, engineering, architecture, science, invention, and more. He was a polymath, excelling across various fields, which earned him the title of a Renaissance Man or a genius.


Energy storage is ....

the capture of energy generated and kept for use at a later time. Energy storage is often used with renewable energy sources.


Mary Shelley is a well-known writer, isn’t she? Prove the statement. Give 3-5 arguments.

  1. Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" is a timeless classic and one of the most famous novels ever written.

  2. Shelley's accomplishment of publishing "Frankenstein" as a woman in the early 19th century was groundbreaking. It challenged societal norms and expectations regarding women's literary capabilities and contributed to the advancement of women in literature.
  3. Beyond "Frankenstein," Shelley's body of work includes poetry and other writings that have contributed to the literary landscape of her time. Her exploration of themes such as morality, human ambition, and the consequences of scientific advancement resonates with readers and continues to inspire subsequent generations of writers.


What is the difference between the present perfect and the past simple tense?

The very main difference and perhaps the most obvious one is that past simple refers to past events, while, present perfect refers to events that began in the past and continued to the present time


What is hydroponics?

A method that allows people to grow plants indoors without soil.


Who is Bright Spark? Give one example of Bright Spark. Tell about his inspiration, hard-working and invention.

A “bright spark” is a colloquial expression used to describe someone who is intelligent, clever, or quick-witted.


What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable sources? Give 3 examples

1. Renewable sources of energy can be naturally replenished within a short period of time, while non-renewable sources are depleted much faster than they can be replenished. 

2. Renewable sources are considered cleaner and more sustainable, while non-renewable sources are often associated with pollution and resource depletion. 

3. Hydropower generated from flowing water is considered cleaner and has less environmental impact compared to burning fossil fuels for energy.


“Frankenstein” is seen as an early science fiction story as well as a horror one, isn’t it? Give 2-3 arguments.

 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is both a horror classic and an early work of science fiction. The novel combines elements of horror, such as the creature’s supernatural abilities, with elements of science fiction, such as discussions of electricity and chemical processes. The novel has also had a lasting impact on the horror and science fiction genres, as its exploration of the consequences of playing God and its examination of human morality have been seen in other works of horror and science fiction.


What is a Pre- and post-modifying noun structures?

Pre- and post-modification are terms used for words, phrases and clauses that add information to a noun. By adding these you create a noun phrase.


Name 4-5 energy storage solutions 

Batteries, pumped hydro storage, hydrogen energy storage, energy storage tower, compressed air energy storage


What is penicillin, when and by whom was it discovered?  

The world's first antibiotic was discovered from blue mold in 1928 by British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming.  


Name 4-5 types of energy. Give 1-2 examples for each type.

Mechanical: a person running, the wind blowing, cogs turning

 Thermal:  boiling a kettle, the heat Earth receives from the Sun

Chemical: food, chemical batteries, petrol

Light: lightning, stars, the Sun, lamps

Gravitational: a bird flying through the air, an apple hanging on a tree


What is the main idea of the novel “Frankenstein”? What is “Frankenstein” alternative title of the novel?

The main idea of the novel "Frankenstein" revolves around the consequences of scientific ambition, the dangers of playing god, and the complexities of humanity. At its core, the novel explores themes of creation, identity, responsibility, and the pursuit of knowledge. It raises questions about the ethical implications of scientific experimentation and the nature of humanity itself.

The alternative title of the novel "Frankenstein" is "The Modern Prometheus." This alternative title draws a parallel between Victor Frankenstein, the scientist who creates the creature, and the Greek myth of Prometheus, who defies the gods by giving fire to humanity. Both stories involve a figure who defies natural order and suffers consequences for their actions.


What is an adjective compliment?

An adjective complement is a phrase or a clause that completes the meaning of an adjective


What is kinetic energy? Give examples

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, observable as the movement of an object or subatomic particle. Every moving object and particle have kinetic energy. A person walking, a soaring baseball, a crumb falling from a table and a charged particle in an electric field are all examples of kinetic energy at work.