In New Jersey, motorists may use studded snow tires when
What is Nov 15th and Apr 1st?
Individuals 21 and older, it is illegal to drive with a B.A.C. of
What is .08%?
Airbags inflate at speeds of up to __ to protect adults in a front end crash
What is 200 MPH?
The shape of this sign is an octagon
What is a stop sign?
A motorist should put on the turn signal at least _ before turning and be sure to cancel the signal after making a turn
What is 100 ft?
Riding up on a film of water starting at 35 MPH, the vehicle tires lose contact with the road surface
What is hydroplaning?
After two, three or four drinks alcohol begins to impair
What is reaction time, coordination and balance?
Seat belts can save a life and improve a motorists chances of surviving a crash by
What is 60%?
The shape of this sign is a triangle
What is a yield sign?
The Rosa-Bonilla Family Act requires the MVC to educate motorists about the dangers of this gas from motor vehicles and techniques for the safe operation and proper maintenance of a motor vehicle.
What is carbon monoxide?
The front seat driver and passenger use this to block the sun glare
What is sun visor?
Drugs that may affect basic driving skills include
What is cold pills, tranquilizers, and some prescription medications?
Children under this age who are less than 57 inches must ride in a forward facing child passenger restraint system or booster seat in the rear
What is age eight (8)?
The shape of this sign can be a circle or X
What is a railroad sign?
Separate traffic flow going in opposite directions
What is yellow center lines?
When are road surfaces the most slippery
What is during the first few minutes of a rainfall?
What are 5 signs of drinking and driving
What are speeding, weaving, slow driving, jerking motion and quick stops?
In August of 2015, what law was signed into law. Enacted March 1st, 2016 reinforces the dangers of failing to comply with NJ's motor vehicle traffic laws
What is Nikhil's Law?
The shape of this sign is a pentagon
What is a school zone?
This device is attached to the vehicle with a built in breathalyzer and prevents the vehicle from starting if the motorist's BAC exceeds .05 %
What is an ignition interlock device?
When it snows and ice forms on the windows, motorists must turn this on
What is defrosters?
B.A.C. is determined by 4 factors
What are quantity of alcohol consumed, body weight, how quickly drinks are consumed, and food eaten?
In 2001, New Jersey sought to enhance driver preparation and safety by implementing a multi-stage driver licensing system
What is GDL or Graduated Driver License?
The shape of this sign is a pennant
What is a no passing zone?
Throwing trash, debris or rubbish from a moving or parked vehicle is illegal. How much is the fine
What is $1,000?