TV Shows
Fraternity Trivia

The epic space saga created by George Lucas introduced in 1977.

What is "Star Wars"?


This artist set a record for the most Spotify streams in a single day with the release of his album "Certified Lover Boy" in 2021.

Who is Drake?


This long-running animated series created by Matt Groening features a family in the town of Springfield.

What is "The Simpsons"?

Delta Epsilon Mu exists to provide an informative, educational, and social setting for all students either pursuing or interested in the health fields.

What is the Preamble?


This 1994 film starring Tom Hanks as a simple man with a complex life won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

What is "Forrest Gump"?


This Canadian singer became famous with hits like "My Heart Will Go On" and has won five Grammy Awards.

Who is Celine Dion?


This British sci-fi series, originally launched in 1963, features a time-traveling alien.

What is "Doctor Who"?


Chapters founded in the Spring of 2017

What is Alpha Iota, Alpha Kappa, and Alpha Lambda


This superhero, created by Marvel Comics, is a billionaire inventor who fights crime in a high-tech suit of armor.

Who is "Iron Man"?


This British singer-songwriter, known for his flamboyant style and glasses, has hits like "Rocket Man" and "Tiny Dancer."

Who is Elton John?


This reality TV show features entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas to a panel of investors, hoping for financial backing.

What is "Shark Tank"?


The family tree that includes the majority of the current E-board members. 

What are Royals?


 This 1980 film features the line, "No, I am your father," a twist that shocked audiences worldwide.

What is "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back"?


This country music legend, known for her coat of many colors, is also a celebrated actress and theme park owner.

Who is Dolly Parton?


Set in a fictional paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania, this mockumentary-style show follows the daily lives of office employees.

What is "The Office"?


Founders of the Zeta Chapter

Who are Carley Burt, April Leary, Matthew Rossen, Keren Castellucci, Bethanne Nichols, Haily Le, and Hillary Sivik?


This movie franchise features a character named Ethan Hunt and is known for its high-octane action sequences and elaborate stunts.

What is "Mission: Impossible"?


This Canadian singer is known for his smooth voice and classic jazz standards, especially his popular Christmas albums.

Who is Michael Bublé?


This science fiction series originally created by Gene Roddenberry has spawned multiple spin-offs and is known for its explorations of space, the final frontier.

What is "Star Trek"?


Black and white symbolizes both ___ ___ ___, and represents the many differing backgrounds, ideologies and interests that our members bring to the fraternity. These ___ ___ ___ colors demonstrate the strength of bringing individuals of differing backgrounds together under a common goal.

What is "extremes and duality" and "contrasting yet complementary"?