Policies & Procedures
Professional Ethics
Professional growth
Clinical Care

How long do interns have to respond to voicemails from Veterans?

48 hours


Which ethics code must I adhere to at all times?

The APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. 


What document will I use to track my professional goals during my internship year?

My learning plan


What is the last step I should take prior to signing my notes/submitting my notes to my supervisor?

Proofread the notes completely. Grammar and spell check are available on CPRS. 


When do I communicate to my supervisor regarding issues of risk (i.e. mandatory reporting, suicide risk, homicide risk)?

Immediately! Supervisors are available via TEAMs. Even passive thoughts should be disclosed to supervisors so they can support you in assessing for risk.


How many days notice do I need to give prior to taking annual leave?

45 days


I am in a situation where I am unsure of how to respond. What should I do?

Consult with your supervisor. 


My Veteran expressed beliefs consistent with their culture of origin. How can I incorporate cultural beliefs into their treatment?

Do your due diligence to research cultural beliefs and traditions of your Veterans then take time to discuss the influence of culture on their approach to treatment and potential strengths from their culture of origin. 


How long do I have to sign my notes?

24 hours


What are limits of confidentiality in the state of Nevada?

1. Thoughts of hurting self.

2. Thoughts of hurting others.

3. Abuse or neglect of children, older adults, person with disabilities.


When will my internship site communicate with my home institution?

Whenever there is a concern (evaluations are shared with the home institution). 


I checked the intern voicemail and there was a message for another intern. What do I do?

Save the message and contact the intern alerting them to the voicemail. 

I have marginalized aspects of my personal identity. How can issues of privilege affect my therapeutic relationships with my Veterans?

As the provider in the room you ALWAYS have privilege. As an ethical professional it is crucial to recognize this privilege and consider the impact of this privilege on your Veterans and your therapeutic relationships. 


When do I need to complete treatment plans?

Prior to the third session. 


Who is considered an older adult in the state of Nevada?

Anyone 60 years or older. 


How often will I complete evaluations with my supervisors?

Initial, 4-month, 8-month, 12-month


A Veteran disclosed to me information and asked me not to document it. What should I do?

Consult with your supervisor to determine if the information is clinically relevant or could involve risks to that Veteran or others. For example, a Veteran tells you he is drinking alcohol while taking opioids. This should not only be documented but their VA prescriber should be alerted to possible dangers to the Veteran. 


What is a crucial action to recognizing my strengths and growing edges as a professional as well as being responsive and sensitive to issues of diversity?



How long do I have to sign notes that include documentation of risk?

Prior to end of tour of duty (preferably immediately after session concludes). 


What is the statute of limitations for reporting abuse or neglect of vulnerable populations?

There are none! If the reported perpetrator is 1. alive and 2. still has access to vulnerable populations it is reportable. 


When taking leave what 3 steps do I need to complete?

1. Communicate intention to take leave to all supervisors in writing. 

2. Enter leave time in VATAS. 

3. Block my grids using a LEAF.


Who is the number one priority at all times?

The Veterans you serve. 


My supervisor gives me feedback that I disagree with. How can I resolve this professionally?

Have an open discussion with your supervisor while keeping an open mind towards feedback. 


A Veteran does or says something that makes me feel unsafe (i.e., physical intimidation, threats, verbal insults, sexual harassment). What do I do?

Consult with your supervisor and enter a DBRS report. 


When can I disclose PHI to someone outside of that Veteran's treatment team (not including mandatory reporting)?

When a Release of Information (ROI) is signed by the Veteran.