The UK
General Knowledge

In which part of the UK is London?
A) The North 

B) The Midlands 

C) The South East 

D) The South West

London is situated in the South East of the UK. 

Which of these is not in the UK?
A - England
B - Ireland
C - Northern Ireland

D - Scotland 

E - Wales

Ireland is not part of the UK, although Northern Ireland is. 

Can you say these places: 


Northern Ireland 




If England won the would cup, the British people _______ go crazy in celebration. 

A) Will 

B) Should 

C) Would 

D) Could 

C) Would. Won = Past simple, If + Past Simple, would (verb).
(2rd conditional) = Unreal situation, (I don't think they will win.


I bought half a dozen eggs, how many eggs do I have?

A - 5

B - 6

C - 7

D - 2

B - 6 

A dozen = 12 


Which is the largest country in the world?

A - Canada

B - Brazil 

C - Russia

D - China

C - Russia


Approximately how many people live in London?
A - 2 Million 

B - 5 Million 

C - 9 Million 

D - 15 Million

The population of London is 8.9 Million people, according to a 2019 study. 


Which of these is not a body of water in the UK?

A - Loch Ness

B - The River Thames 

C - The English Channel

D - Lake Victoria

D - Lake Victoria can be found on the border of Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.


Correct this sentence: 
There is very cold in the summer in the UK.

It is very cold in the summer in the UK / 

There is very cold weather in the summer in the UK. 


It needed the collective genius of mankind to ............ the wheel.

A) Invent 

B ) Discover 

C) Forge

D) Do 

A) Invent. 


How many rings are there on the Olympic Flag?



What is a Person From London Called?

A) A Londoner

B) A Londonite

C) A Londonian

D) A Londishman

People from London are known as 'Londoners'. 


How many hours +/- 2, would it take to drive from the bottom of the UK to the top? (with no traffic)

A) 14 Hours

B) 8 Hours

C) 19 Hours

D) 12 Hours

If you drive from from Land's End in Cornwall to John O'Groats in Scotland, it takes 14 hours. Which 'number' conditional is this sentence? Can you change it into other forms? 


I'm very happy _____ in India. I really miss being there.

a) to live
b) to be living
c) to have lived
d) to had lived

c) to have lived. 


The country is experiencing a lot of turmoil. What does turmoil mean?

A) Famine 

B) Revolution 

C) Peace

D) Chaos

D) Chaos


What is the common name for this chemical element: Ag

A - Gold

B - Silver

C - Argon

D - Argentum

E - Aluminium 

B - Silver


Which of these is a real London Underground station: 

A - Swiss Cottage 

B - Italian Hut 

C - Polish Shed 

D - Indian Treehouse 

Swiss Cottage underground station is found in north London. 


On what day is 'fireworks night'?
A) 1st of September 

B) 5th of November 

C) 31st December 

D) 29th of June

B) Fireworks night has been celebrated on the 5th of November ever since 1605. - Also known as Guy Fawkes Night. 


You ............... it. I was going to do it anyway.

A) Mustn't have done

B) Would have done 

C) Needn't have done 

D) Should have done it

C) - Needn't have done it. 


For her it is a very touchy subject. What does 'touchy' mean?

A) Handy 

B) Sensitive 

C) Rude

D) Difficult 

E) Sensible. 

B) Sensitive. 


Which of these places is the oldest?

A - Machu Picchu 

B - Oxford University 

C - The Taj Mahal 

D  - Himeji Castle 

E - Buckingham Palace

B - Oxford University (1096)

The others: 

Buckingham Palace - 1705 

Himeji Castle - 1333

Taj Mahal - 1648 

Machu Picchu - 1450


Who is the Mayor of London?
A - Boris Johnson 

B - Kier Starmer 

C - Rishi Sunak 

D - Sadiq Khan 

E - Nigel Farage. 

The current mayor of London is Sadiq Khan, who won re-election in 2024. 


Which of these is not a UK accent?

A) Cockney 

B) Geordie 

C) Scouse 

D) Manx 

E) Brummie

D) Manx - it is a language spoken on the Isle of Mann. 

Do you have accents in your language?


It seems to me that they never gave a thought to probable future problems when the plans ............... five years ago. 

A) To be made 

B) were being made 

C) are going to be made

D) Had been made 

B) were being made


The human ..... to think, invent and create can always be found in the most unexpected moments. 

A) Sensation

B) Addiction 

C) Require

D) Urge 

E) Impact

D - Urge


What does NASA stand for?

(The) National Aeronautics and Space Administration.