Taking oxygen into the lungs
Deep breathing
The first step in changing negative/unhelpful thoughts is __________ the thought (word begins with R).
Mr. Milo has a stress/fidget toy that resembles a yummy food. What food is it?
Give an example of an I message
Good job!
Name the 5 senses
Seeing, listening, hearing, tasting, touch/feeling
Moving your body. Good for your heart/muscles.
There is a relationship between our thoughts, _________, and actions/behavior.
Mr. Milo has a basketball net on the back of his door with characters from this show on it.
PJ Masks
These are examples of _______ communication (eye contact, body language, hand movements)
The goal of mindfulness is to pay attention to the ___________ moment. (Clue: you might get this on your birthday).
Saying kind things to yourself. Using _________ self talk.
When we use positive self-talk or remind ourselves of the good things about ourselves we are using positive ____________ (word begins with A).
Mr. Milo uses a picture of this extremely large piece of ice, floating in the ocean to teach about anger.
This is a very important part of communication (this is the part of communication that occurs when someone else is talking)
Writing your thoughts down to help process them (word begins with the letter J).
Talk about a time you changed an unhelpful thought into a more positive, optimistic thoughts.
Good job!
The mindjars in Mr. Milo's office have 3 different numbers on the bottom of them, which is related to how many minutes the stuff in the jars will float around. Name the 3 numbers
1, 3, 5
Thinking about things your are thankful for. Practicing __________ (begins with the letter G).
When something doesn't go as planned, it is important that we use ___________ thinking to maintain a positive view on the situation (word begins with F). This is also something that someone who does gymnastics usually is.
Mr. Milo has feeling ________ magnets on his whiteboard.