Dont give up Skeleton!
Here are some arti-facts about these artifacts!
Here are some thoughts on these robots!
Better chip in to win these Casino questions!
Who knows these Old School video games? Wont name any names

What is the only item capable of Curing the Dragonrot disease in Sekiro?

Answer: Dragons Blood Droplet


The picture shows a fraction of which massive ensemble of artifacts?

Answer: The Terracotta Warriors


What is the difference between cyborgs and robots?

Answer: Cyborgs are a hybrid of a living organism and a robot, while robots are purely advanced machines


What is an alternative name for a pack of cards?

(All participate)

Answer: Deck


In the 1981 video game, Donkey Kong what is the name of the lady that Mario tries to rescue?

Answer: Pauline


In Elden Ring, After Boc The Seamster tells you that he's Ugly, what emote would you need to use to be able to proceed in the sidequest?

Answer: The "You're Beautiful" Emote


This Sun stone comes from which ancient civilization?

A. Aztec

B. Maya

C. Inca

A. Aztec


Around 1495, who created sketches and plans for a Mechanical Knight?

Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci


Slot Machines are often alternatively called one armed ______

Fill In The Blank

Answer: Bandits


In 1982, what Disney Sci-fi film ended up creating two arcade games based on the film?

Answer: Tron


What was the bright, and lighthearted prototype of Dark Souls called before it eventually grew to become a much darker name, thus the name change?

Daily Double!

Answer: Miyzaki's Fun Dungeon


The Oseberg Ship is a vessel made in which country in 820 AD?

Answer: Norway


What country is the lead producer of robotics?

Answer: Japan


In the U.K., How old do you have to be to be able to enter a Casino?

(All Participate)

Answer: 18


What was the first video game ever created on October 18th, 1958 by William HiginBothams?

A. Spacewar!

B. Tennis for Two

C. The Sumerian Game

D. Star Trek

Answer: B. Tennis for Two


In Sekiro, What is the name of the Female Shinobi who was supposedly killed by The Guardian Ape? Evidence being the finger around the Guardian apes stomach and what the sculptor says after giving him monkey booze

Answer: KingFisher

What is the name of this Artifact?

Answer: The Code of Hammurabi


The word "Robot" derives from the Czech word, "Robota", which means what?

A. Metal Humanoid

B. Forced Labor

C. Servant

D. Alien

B. Forced Labor


The Scottish game Puggies, is the equivalent of which gambling game in the U.S?

Answer: Slot Machines


What 1981 video game involved shooting fleas, mushrooms, spiders, and scorpions?

Answer: Centipede


In BloodBorne,In Gehramns personal library in the Hunters Workshop, what is the humorous name of the book that lies on top of a stack of other books?

Answer: "How To Pick Up Fair Maidens"


What is the name of this Granodiorite stone slab, with issues of decrees that allowed researchers to better translate Egyptian hieroglyphs?

Answer: The Rosetta Stone


Robear, is a Robot with the appearance of a polar bear created to serve what purpose?

Answer: Assist the elderly, specifically stand up and sit down


What do you call the ball used in Roulette?

Answer: Boule


What 1987 RPG followed the adventures of the Light Warriors?

Answer: Final Fantasy