Dining Hall Culture
Shower House Culture
Morning Dorm Routine
Point Evaluation
Night Dorm Routine

What are some dining hall standards?

Line up outside the door

Agree to standards

Come in at a no tone 

Two's up

No talking before enjoy or after silver 


How much time do the boys get in the shower house ?

14 minutes 


What does staff do when they get to dorm?

PREA announcement

Turn on lights & Set time goal

Get boots and bookbags out the closet

Sign PREA book 

Search boxes and bags

Make sure all clients have their shower roll

Prepare clients for chores 

Set morning goals and standards 


When should we be giving prompts?



What is the first thing you do when you get to dorm after dinner 

Round out and set standards for the evening 


What does the table setters do?

Set the table 

Pre Bus 

Clean table after Silver 


What are shower house standards?

Make sure all there is enough towels, rags, and soap for the groups 

Go in by assigned groups 

Low tone in front of the wall

No tone behind the wall

Laundry in the correct bags

Clean shower house when finished 

Come out the shower house in ABC

No group mixing 


How does the dorm suppose to look when you leave ?

All beds made correctly

Nothing left on the floor 

Bathroom clean and trash taken out 

Table put up

Lights off 

All closets locked


When should we be doing point evaluation?

First Block- before lunch 

Second Block- before dinner 

Third Block- during bed space 

When do we put shoes and bookbags up?

shoes and bookbags should be put up after the round out


What are the name of the Graces?






What does the females staff do at the shower house?

Stay on logs with the group that is not showering.

 Make sure all clients next to shower have everything they need. 

Keep clients engaged on logs 


How do we transition from dorm to logs?

Head behind head 

No tone 

No gaps 

No messing with nature or kicking rocks 


What are the three questions we should ask during point evaluations

How do you feel that you did this block?

What do you want to hold yourself accountably for?

Are you going to be respectfully when you see your points 


What time does clients go to bed space and what time lights go out? 

wisdom and truth 8 and 8:30 

courage -8:30 and 9

honor 8:30 and 9 


When do you call a supervisor for clients having night issue 

Don't wait ! 2 prompts and let sups know