Add the decimals 10.30 + 11.50
What is 21.80
Subtract the decimals 13.62 - 11.41
What is 2.21
Add the decimals 11.66 + 9.41
What is 21.07
Subtract the decimals 18.32 - 14.54
What is 3.78
Multiply the decimals 4.10 x 2.10
What is 8.61
Add the decimals 13.62 + 16.27
What is 29.89
Subtract the decimals 37.16 - 6.06
What is 31.10
Add the decimals 29.40 + 14.62
What is 44.02
Subtract the decimals 44.52 - 34.73
Multiply the decimals 5.09 x 6.10
What is 31.049
Add the decimals 52.36 + 44.63
What is 96.99
Subtract the decimals 93.62 - 42.61
What is 51.01
Add the decimals 92.99 + 7.01
What is 100
Subtract the decimals 87.66- 19.74
What is 67.92
Multiply the decimals 8.09 x 11.10
What is 89.799
Add the decimals 107.46 + 73.44
what is 180.90
Subtract the decimals 117.37 - 102.24
What is 15.13
Add the decimals 147.82 + 196.43
What is 344.25
Subtract the decimals 192.17 - 117. 58
What is 74.59
Multiply the decimals 22.70 x 4.16
What is 94.432
Add the decimals 654.22 + 325.67
What is 979.89
Subtract the decimals 792.69 - 202.34
What is 590.35
Add the decimals 792.67 + 208.33
What is 1,001
Subtract the decimals 946.89 - 767.94
What is 178.95
Multiply the decimals 32.15 x 12.11
What is 389.3365