Be Ready to Learn

How can you be safe in Mrs. Blum's classroom? 

Walk (inside feet)

sit in your chair correctly

keep your hands and feet to yourself


What are some kind words we use at school?

Please, thank you, you are smart, I like hanging out with you, How are you doing today?


How can you be Respectful when you are outside of the classroom? Lunchroom? Bathroom? 

Be mindful of others privacy.

Give space when needed

have your voices of so others don't get distracted



What do you do if you forgot your homework at school?

Come in the morning and finish it.


When should you sharpen your pencils?

When Mrs. Blum is not teaching


Show me how to walk in the classroom from your desk to your dot in line. 

Stand up, step back and push in your chair, and walk without touching anyone or anything on the way to your dot. All while having your voice off and having your listening ears on! Don't leave your listening ears at home! 


Is it kind to do someone's work for them?

No, it is not kind to do it for them. If you want to help them them that is fine. But we are here to learn!

What are some positive words you can say to someone to show you respect them? 

"You are a great friend"

"You are working really hard!" 

"Thank you for helping me out!"


What do you need to get signed every night? 

My planner!


When should you turn in homework?

The next day in the turn in box.

If someone is being unsafe on the playground what do you do?

Tell them to stop being unsafe. If someone is being unsafe, please come find a trusted adult immediately!


Is it kind to tease someone and take their things?

Treat someone as you want to be treated. How would you feel if someone was teasing you? How would you feel if your things went missing?


How can you be Respectful in the hallway?

Keep your hands to yourself. Voices off


What should you do if you need help with your work?

Ask a teacher or para to help you. Sometimes even a classmate!


What do you need out during a whole group lesson?

My Amplify or Everyday Math journal, a pencil, and my reader for Amplify. 


What can you do in the lunch room to be safe?

Use your fork and spoon correctly. Keep your food on YOUR plate. Don't share food! We have a lot of allergies. Eat small bites. 


What can you say to someone who is having a rough day? 

It is okay to have a bad day. Sometimes, adults have bad days too. It is the people around you (your classroom family) that will help you get through what you are going through. It's okay to talk it out or even write about it. 


What are ways to show respect even when you are angry with that person?

We all make mistakes. There are times when you won't get along with everyone but just know that doesn't mean that you can't be Respectful. You can stand up for yourself and stand your ground without being disrespectful. That other person may not even know that they hurt your feelings. It is always best to try to talk it out. 


How can you be responsible on the playground?

Don't kick or throw random balls.No yelling at the top of our lungs unless there is an emergency. 

stay on the playground.


What do I do if I don't understand something and you have already moved on?

Write down your question on a sticky note. You can even place it on the page you had a question on. 


How can you be safe on the bus or walking home? 

- wear your seatbelt

- stop at corners

- stay out of the aisle 

- look both ways


What are ways you can spread kindness? 

You can say positive and encouraging things.

You can do something nice for someone like holding the door or getting them a pencil. 


How do you show respect to your teacher? 

(bring her lots of peanut M&M's)

I mean have your voices off when she is talking. Raise your hand. Engage and focus in the lesson! 


How can you be responsible in the lunch room?

- Eat your food.

-Pick up trash even if you drop it on the floor.


What do you think it means to be Ready to learn!

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