What is rule number 4?
Listen to others when they are talking.
During a fire drill, where do we go?
Out the back doors.
At the end of the week, what do you get through dojo points?
Classroom cash.
How do we line up to go to lunch?
By lunch order.
Where do you find supplies for the whole class?
Back wall.
What is rule number 11?
No yelling inside.
What do we do during a tornado drill?
Get on our knees, facing the wall, and cover our heads.
If you are good at all specials at the end of the week what do you get?
A donut is added to the box.
How do we line up to go to the bathroom?
Girl in one line and boys in the other.
What do you do when you are done reading a book?
Put it in the book return bin and fill out a slip.
What rule number is "keep your hands and feet to yourself."?
Rule 8.
During a hard lock down what do we do?
Get in the cubby corner and be quiet.
Where does the door holder go after holding open a door?
Back in the second spot in line.
What is the job of the librarian?
If you have a question, what should you do?
Raise your hand.
When walking down the hall, how should we look and sound like?
In a straight line and quiet.
-Helping others.
-Return your home folder.
-Turn in homework.
-Be on task.
-Bring in your one card.
-Working hard.
How do we line up for recess?
Number order.
What is a space are not allowed in?
Behind Mrs. Garcia's desk.
Look at them.
When the music is on in the cafeteria, what should we sound like?
Level zero.
What does your table group need to do to get a prize at the end of the quarter?
Read the most books.
How do we line up to go home?
Cars against the board. Buses against the cabinets.
What is the name of our new principal?
Dr. Taylor!