Let's noun it up!
"I'm like a verb, and I can fly away"
You complete me.
Wacky and Wonky!
Who said this?

Identify the nouns in the following sentence:

If the plumber cleans the drain, we will be able to use the sink. 


plumber; drain; sink


Identify the verbs in the following sentence.

The bus had departed the station around 3:00 pm.

Verbs: had departed


Complete the following sentence:

The three most popular adjectives are  _________, ______, and _________. 

A, an, (and) the.


Identify the preposition and its object in the following sentence: 

Many African Americans helped fight the War of 1812. 

Preposition: of

Object: 1812


Who says this?

"It's not a thing."

Ms. Viggiano


Identify the nouns and proper nouns in the sentence:

Ronald Amundsen was an explorer, and he became the first man to reach the South Pole. 


Explorer; Man

Proper Noun

Ronald Amundsen; South Pole


Identify the verbs and adverbs in the following sentence:

The quarterback quickly threw the ball across the field. 

Verb: Threw

Adverb: Quickly


Complete the following sentence:

The three most popular adverbs are

Daily Double

So, too, (and) very


Identify the pronoun and the noun, proper noun, or pronoun it stands "in" for. 

Everyone knows that Madge's book was made into the biggest movie of her liftime. 

Pronouns: Everyone, her

Her "stands in" for the noun Madge


Who says this?

"Ay dios mios."

Ms. Lopez


Identify the nouns, proper noun, and adjectives in the following sentence: 

The ancestors of the Anasazi were called Basket Makers; they perfected the art of making beautiful wicker baskets. 

Daily Double

Nouns: ancestors; Art; wicker baskets

Proper nouns: Anasazi; Basket Makers

Adjective: Beautiful


Identify the verbs and adverbs in the following sentence:

We almost had an accident because the weather was extremely bad.

Verbs: had; was

Adverbs: Almost; extremely


Complete the following sentence:

Adjectives tell, ad or answer:

What kind, _____________, ________________.

What kind

Which one

How many


Identify the nouns, proper nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in the following sentence:

That castle in the Czec Republic is famous for its mahogany walls and stained glass windows. 

Daily Double

Nouns: castle, walls, windows

Proper nouns: Czech Republic

Pronouns: That, its

Adjectives: famous, majogany, stained glass


Who says this?

"Wrong Answer."

Daily Double

Mr. Reeves


Identify the nouns, proper nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in the following sentence:

Thousands of cavemen lived in rugged cliff dwellings around the Mesa Verde until the late 1100s, when they mysteriously abandoned their homes. 

Nouns: cavemen; cliff dwellins; homes

Proper nouins: Mesa Verde

Adjectives: Rugged

Pronouns: They; their


Identify the verbs and adverbs in the following sentence:

Our teacher often likes to tell about her trip to Mexico, while the principal enjoys sharing about formally attending weddings on cruiseships. 

Verbs: tell; like; enjoys sharing; attending

Adverbs: often; formally


Complete the following sentence:

Adeverbs tell, ask, answer:

_________, __________, ____________, and _______________________. 




To what extent


Identify the nouns, proper nouns, pronouns, prepositions, and adjectives in the following sentence:

The audience was surprised when ten members of the cast flew on invisible wires around the theater.

Nouns: audience, members, cast, wires, theater

Prepositions: of, on, around

Adjectives: surprised, ten, invisible


Who says this?

"Have a good day." "Don't do drugs."

Mr. Plummer


 Identify the nouns, proper nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in the following sentence:

This year the last snowfall before the solstice was on December 19; however, because the rocky plateau received enough rain, my mom was able to grow luscious flowers, tasty beans, and delightful herbs. 

Nouns: year; snowfall; solstice; plateau; rain; mom; flowers; beans; herbs

Proper Nouns: December

Pronouns: This; my

Adjectives: last, rocky, enough, luscious, tasty, delightful


Identify the verbs and adverbs in the following sentence:

Fred claimed he found a job almost instantaeneously, Which mad me feel much better about life. 



What does FANBOYS stand for?

Hint: Think conjunctions

Daily Double

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So


Go to the board and diagram the following sentence:

Seven generations of my family have lived in the isolated village along the Pecos River in New Mexico. 

Daily Double

Nouns: generations, family, village

Proper nouns: Pecos River, New Mexico

Pronoun: My

Verbs: have lived

Adjectives: Seven, isolated, the , the

Prepositions: of, in, along, in


Who says this?

"Know your worth and add some tax."

Hint: Think middle school

Ms. Williamson