The Facts of Life
The FUN in Functional Groups
Check Your Macros
My name is BONDS. Chemical Bonds.
Don’t trust atoms, they make up everything.
What was the pirate's favorite amino acid? Arrrrr-ginine.

These were the first forms of life on Planet Earth.

What are microorganisms?


–CH 3 is the formula of a the name of this ____functional group, while –OH is a(n) part of the ____ functional group.

What are methyl/hydroxyl?


This is that name for the  building blocks (subunits) of large complex molecules like nucleic acids or polypeptides.

What are monomers?


Which subatomic particles are involved in the formation of chemical bonds?

What are electrons?


This is the correct order from smallest to largest in terms of organization of matter?

what is an atom, molecule, cell

The monomers of nucleic acids.

What are nucleotides?


The ability of living organisms to respond and change in regard to their environment.

What is adaptation?


Out of the following: This compound cannot bond with carbon.

  1. sodium
  2. hydroxyl
  3. phosphate
  4. carbonyl

What is sodium?


___________ fatty acids have NO C=C bonds in the hydrocarbon chain, whereas fatty acids that are

___________ have one or more C=C bonds.

What are saturated and unsaturated fats?


The region on an enzyme where a chemical reaction occurs is called the:

What is the active site?


While an acid releases H + into solution, a base will release this ion.

What is hydroxide ion?


The term for protein synthesis.

What is translation?


Viruses are not considered living because they lack this characteristic of life.

What is reproduction?

Identified by the presence of nitrogen, this branch structure makes up this chemical group. 

What is amino?


Consisting of a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail, the plasma membrane is constructed in part by this macromolecule.

What are phospholipids?


This type of bond can be found in fatty acids.

What is nonpolar covalent?

A molecule that binds up excess hydrogen ions in a solution.

What is a base?


Based in groups of threes in mRNA, these nucleotides specify for specific amino acids.

 What are codons?


A characteristic of this domain is the presence of a membrane-enclosed nucleus.

What are eukaryotic cells?


This group forms between amino acids to create disulfide bridges.

What is suflhydryl? 


This building block (subunit) makes up complex carbohydrates such as glycogen, starch, and chitin.

What is glucose?


For stability, atoms without a full electron shell will bond with other atoms to complete the octet rule. This group of periodic elements contains a full valence shell and is independently stable.

What is Group 8?

This is a term for electron gain; whereas ____ is used to describe electron loss.

What are reduction and oxidation?

DNA contains several functional groups. This is the name of the functional group attached to the sugar molecule.

What is phosphate?


The branch of science in which all living organisms are classified and identified as a species by rules.

What is taxonomy?


The double bonding of carbon to oxygen in these function groups increases the attraction in their bonds. Give the names of the functional groups and the type of bond.

What are carbonyl, carboxyl, and polarity


This term is used to describe a protein that loses its three-dimensional structural shape.

What is denaturation?


This type the bond forms between two amino acids via dehydration synthesis.

 What is a peptide bond?


Isotopes are different forms of an element with the same number of ____________ but different numbers

of ____________ in their core region or nucleus.

What are protons & neutrons?

Constructed of a nitrogenous base, purines make up the building blocks of DNA. Of the base pairs found in DNA and RNA, these are the purines.

What are adenine and guanine?