T Cells
B cells
Mounting an Immune Response

T cell can be broadly defined into _____+ helper T cells, which assist antigen-specific immune cell function through cytokine release, and ____+ cytotoxic T cells, which direct antigen-specific cell killing. 

1. CD4+ T cells

2. CD8+ T cells

The B cell receptor is essentially a membrane-bound _____________ that binds to specific __________ to trigger B cell receptor signaling.

1. Immunoglobulin

2. Antigens


What vaccines are routinely recommended during pregnancy (4)

1. Tdap (recommended at 27 to 36 weeks gestation)

2. Inactivated influenza

3. RSV vaccine (Administered from September to January for women who are between 32 and 36 weeks pregnant at the time)

4. COVID vaccine


After vaccine administration, endogenous antigens are presented on MHC class ____ to CD_+ cytotoxic T cells and exogenous antigens are presented on MHC class ___ to CD__+ helper T cells.

1. MHC class I

2. CD8+ cytotoxic cells

3. MHC class II

4. CD4+ helper T cells


What CHOP infectious disease physician is credited with co-inventing the rotavirus vaccine?

Paul Offit


What T cells are CD4+, CD25+, express FoxP3, and play a critical role in downregulating immune responses and promoting tolerance?

Regulatory T cells (Tregs)


_________ cells are differentiated B cells that produce immunoglobulins as part of the humoral immune response to an infection.

Plasma cells

What routine vaccines are contraindicated during pregnancy (2)

Live vaccines:

1. MMR

2. Varicella


After antigen uptake in the periphery, dendritic cells, a type of professional antigen-presenting cell, migrate to ____________________ where they help coordinate the activation of adaptive immune responses.

1. Draining lymph notes (lymph nodes)


What component of breast milk made by B cells provides both antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties to the neonate?

Secretory IgA


Following activation, CD4+ T cells differentiate into effector cells. In the presence of IL-12 and interferon gamma CD4+ cells differentiate into ______ helper cells, which activate cytotoxic response. In the presence of IL-4 CD4+ cells differentiate into ______ helper cells, promote humoral immunity, with increased antibody secretion and eosinophil activation. 

1. Th1 cells

2. Th2 cells


What is the term used for the genetic changes that improve the binding affinity of antibodies produced by B cells?

Somatic hypermutation


According to the CDC, rotavirus vaccine should be deferred until hospital discharge for infants born prematurely to limit nosocomial spread. However, the rotavirus vaccines must be given by day of life _____ even if the infant is still admitted to the NICU. 


The B cell receptor on naive B cells binds to ______, which is then endocytosed and presented on ___________ to _________+ cells, which promote B cell proliferation and differentiation

1. Antigen

2. MHC class II molecules

3. CD4+ helper T cells


Which of the following classes of immunoglobulins is passed from mother to baby through the placenta during pregnancy most efficiently?

A. IgM

B. IgA

C. IgG1

D. IgG2

E. IgG3

E. IgG4



Compared to adult T cells, neonatal T cells have (lower/higher) T cell receptor diversity, (increased/decreased) homeostatic proliferation, and (more/less) memory function. 

1. Lower T cell receptor diversity

2. Increased homeostatic proliferation

3. Less memory function


What process allows B cells to generate a diverse array of antibodies, enabling them to recognize numerous antigens?

V(D)J recombination


An infant born less than 2 kg is admitted to the NICU. If mom is HepB negative, when should this infant receive the Hepatitis B vaccine? What is the appropriate immediate action to take if an infant < 2 kg is born to a mother who is HepB positive/unknown?

Infants weighing <2,000 g born to HBsAg-negative mothers should receive the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine series at chronological age 1 month or hospital discharge, if hospital discharge occurs when the infant is younger than one month of age.


B cells initially produce ____ immunoglobulin, and then through a process called ___________ can produce IgG, IgA, and IgE

1. IgM

2. Class-switching


Which type of antigen-presenting cell (APC) is most efficient at presenting foreign antigens to the immune system. 

Dendritic cell


These cells are present in the thymus and play a crucial role in T cell negative selection by expressing a wide variety of tissue-specific antigens, thanks to the transcription factor Autoimmune Regulator (AIRE). What are these cells?

Medullary Thymic Epithelial Cells


After exposure to an antigen, a naive B cell requires help from a CD4+ T cell to further differentiate and proliferate. What surface molecules on the B cell and T cell are the MOST important to promote B cell activation (4; 2 on the B cell and 2 on the T cell)?

T cell receptor and antigen bound to MHC class II molecules on the B cell

CD40 (B cell) and CD40L (T cell)


Nirsevimab has transformed the world of RSV prophylaxis. According to the AAP, what days do RSV season begin and end, what is the age cutoff for low-risk infants to receive nirsevimab, and how does maternal RSV immunization status impact the decision on whether or not to give nirsevimab?

1. RSV season begins on October 1st and ends on March 31st.

2. Infants <8 months old quality for nirsevimab

3. If a mother had received RSV immunization do not administer nirsevimab unless the infant was born within 14 days of immunization.


The Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococcal vaccines are examples of conjugate vaccines. In a conjugate vaccine, a ______________ is linked to a _____________ to allow for antigen presentation on __________ molecules to ______________ cells. 

1. polysaccharide target antigen

2. Carrier peptide

3. MHC class I

4. T cells


The maternal RSV vaccine (Pfizer's Abrysvo) significant reduces RSV hospitalizations in infants born to vaccinated mothers. What is the viral protein target of the vaccine?

The RSV F protein