What is specific factors that affect climate.
Latitude, distance from water, mountain ranges, ocean currents, winds, altitude.
How do you find the elevation?
How do you find the elevation?
What is the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn?
The name given to the region on Earth’s surface found between 23.5°N and 23.5°S latitude.
At what latitude is the Antarctic located?
66.5 S-90 S
What is the difference between weather and climate?
They are different because weather is daily and is more precise, while climate is the overall temperature and amount of precipitation of an area.
What does latitude affect?
What are seasons caused by?
They are caused by the tilt of Earth's atmospheres Earth revolves around the Sun.
Does Latitude measure the distance North or South of the equator?
What are surface currents moved by and what do they do?
They are moved by wind and warms or cools the air around them.
At what latitude is the Tropic of Cancer?
0-23.5 N