Mike likes eating _______. 

a) vegetables b) sweets c) water d) meat

b) sweets


Mike has _______ for breakfast. 

a) a lot of rice b) some milk and bread c) a few eggs d) a little water

b) some milk and bread


判断句子是否正确。 Mike has a lot of water every day.

Mike only drinks a little water every day.


Does Mike like eating ______ food? Yes, he does.

A. sweet    B. bad   C. little

A. sweet


For a healthy diet, you should eat _______ meat and fish in your meals. 

a) a lot of b) some c) many d) much

b) some


Yang Ling eats _______ every day. 

a) a few fruit b) a little rice 

c) a lot of sweets d) some fruit

d) some fruit


Yang Ling often has _______ for lunch and dinner. 

a) a lot of rice b) a little rice c) some meat and vegetables d) both a and c

d) both a and c


_____ any juice  in the bottle.

A. There are not     B. Is there  C. There is not

C. There is not


____ coffee is not good for us.

A. Too many   B. Too much   C. Too few

B. Too much


Road _____ is veryimportant(重要的).What must you do to cross the road_______?

A. safe , safety   B. safety,   safely    C. safe,  safely

  B. safety,   safely    


Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet?

Yes, Yang Ling appears to have a healthy diet as she eats meat, vegetables, a little rice, and includes fruit in her daily meals. She also enjoys sweet food but eats it in moderation.  


Tell the Chinese meaning:

A.look after    B.look for

C.look out for

a) look after 照看,照顾

b) look for 寻找

c) look out for 朝......向外看


What must you do to cross the road safely?

  • You must not _______. 
  • a) run quickly b) look left and right c) play football

a) run quickly

c) play football


Q: What does a healthy diet mean according to the text?

A: A healthy diet includes a lot of fruit and vegetables, some rice and bread, and a few eggs every week.

  • Q: How would you convince(说服) your friend to eat more vegetables?

  • A: I would explain the health benefits of vegetables and suggest trying new recipes to make them more appealing.

What do you think of Mike's diet?

He doesn't have a healthy diet. Because he drinks a little water every day. And he eats some sweet food.


  • Q: Why is it important to drink water?

A: Drinking water is important because it keeps our body hydrated and helps in maintaining a healthy diet.


What do Chinese people often eat for breakfast?

Chinese people often have some porridge and steamed buns for breakfast.


Q: What are some of the road safety rules do you know?

A: To cross the road safely, you must look for a zebra crossing and wait for the green man. You must not play or run on the road.

  • Q: If the bus stops the third time, what will happen?

 It gets the final stop.

It meets the traffic jam.

It has a car accident.


What do Sam and his mother buy from the supermarket? What do you think of their diet?

Sam and his mother buy drinks, fish, and rice from the supermarket. Their diet seems balanced with a variety of food groups, including protein from fish and carbohydrates from rice. It's a good start to a healthy diet, but it would be even better if they also include more vegetables and fruits.


In which counties, people drive on the left side of the road? 

The UK, Hong Kong and Macau,Australia, Japan, Singapore(新加坡), New Zealand


How to be a good student?

To be a good student, listen carefully in class, study hard , complete homework on time, and always try to learn and improve.


Q: How can you ensure road safety when you cannot find a zebra crossing nearby?

A: If you cannot find a zebra crossing, you should wait on the pavement, look left, then right, and then left again before crossing the road. It's also safer to cross with other people.

  • Q: What advice would you give to children about road safety?
  • A: I would advise children to always use pedestrian crossings, look both ways before crossing, and never play or run on the road.