'Pop' Culture
A tradition of where?
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It's that time again...

All I want for Christmas is you has over 2 billion streams on Spotify as of 17/12/24. Who is the icon responsible for this hit?

Who is Mariah Carey


What Country has a Christmas tradition of decorating their trees with Spider webs?

What is Ukraine?


Do you celebrate Christmas, if so - are there any cool traditions you recognise?

Hell yeah have a great time!


Day of the week Christmas will be celebrated in 2024

When is Wednesday


Last Christmas is the second most streamed Christmas song with over 1.7billion streams. What duo is responsible for this hit?

Who is Wham! (or who are George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley)


What country has a Christmas Myth that centers around the 'Yule Cat' who eats alive those who are not appropriately dressed for the snowy conditions of Christmas?

What is Iceland?


Meri Kirihimete! What is your best summer memory?

Super! Hope you have a great break


Buddy, a human, is raised amongst elves at the North Pole. When he discovers that he is not an elf, he travels to New York to search for his biological father. This is the plot to what '03 film?

What is Elf?


Fairytale of New York is the third most streamed Christmas hit with over 400million streams on Spotify. who sang this hit?

Who are the Pogues?


Move over Reindeer! What Country tells the story of the 'Yule Goat' that Santa rides during his travels around the world delivering Christmas gifts?

What is Sweden?


Tell us a Christmas secret - do you hide the good snacks from the kids or have a (perhaps drunken) mishap you won't own up to?

HA! Shh we won't tell - Have a great summer holiday with your family and friends!


Christmas trees were first seen in the 16th Century where, at Christmas time, people decorated fir trees with fruit and nuts – and later sweets, paper shapes and candles. Where did this custom originate

Where is Germany


The artist responsible for It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas is joked to spend all year in hibernation only to emerge in November to top the Christmas Charts. Who is this Canadian Crooner?

Who was Michael Bublé?


In which country is it traditional to tuck into a tasty KFC meal for Christmas?

Where is Japan?


Be honest - Trifle or Pavlova?

If you said anything but Pav, you lose points. (I would say I don't make the rules, but i do!)


Xmas is not a modern abbreviation but actually dates back to the 16th century. X is said to represent Chi - the first letter for Christ in what alphabet?

What is the Greek Alphabet


Which Singer Songwriter grew up on a Christmas Tree Farm in Pennsylvania and released a song with the same name in 2019?

Who is Taylor Swift?


In which Country is the 22nd of December traditionally spent awaiting the results of the Christmas Lottery with a prize pool in the billions? 

Where is Spain?


What, if any, New Years resolutions come to mind for you?

Thank you for your candor - good luck with your resolutions, have a happy summer and we'll see you in the new year! 


Celebrating Christmas was made illegal in which decade?

When were the 1640's