Who were John's parents?
Zechariah and Elizabeth
Which relative did Mary visit while she was pregnant?
Which angel visited Joseph?
What did Zechariah say his son would be named?
In which season do scholars think Jesus was really born?
late summer/early fall
Which angel made the announcement of John’s coming birth to Zechariah?
In what town and province did Mary and Joseph live?
Nazareth in Galilee
True or False: Jesus is a descendent of the same family as King Solomon.
How did the people react to Zechariah’s returned speech after the birth of his son?
They were filled with awe and told their neighbours. They wondered what God had in mind for this child.
Who is playing Joseph in the final tableau scene of our Christmas program performance?
What was John the Baptist sent to do?
Prepare the way for Jesus
What was the angel Gabriel’s message to Mary?
“You will be with child and will give birth to a son”.
What are the four main jobs of angels ?
1. Carry Out God's Will
2. Praise God
3. Guard God's Throne
4. Deliver Messages
Why were people surprised when Elizabeth said that the baby’s name would be John?
None of Elizabeth’s or Zechariah’s relatives had the name John
In what town and province was Jesus born?
Bethlehem in Judea
What sign did the angel give Zechariah?
Zechariah would be unable to talk until after the baby was born.
What was Mary's reaction to the angel's message?
She asked how this could be and accepted what God had in store for her.
Why is it important to become familiar with Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1?
Matthew wrote his book to the Jewish people. He wanted to show clearly that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah.
What happened as soon as Zechariah had named his son?
His mouth was opened, and he sang a song of praise to God.
Who ordered a census of the entire Roman world?
Caesar Augustus
What was John the Baptist's job be?
He would prepare the hearts of people for the coming Messiah
What did Mary praise God for in her song?
Mary praised God for His goodness and for His mercy to her and to his people.
Why do you think God sent an angel to Joseph?
God Was announcing an extraordinary event; that he wanted Joseph to go ahead and marry Mary, since she had not betrayed him; and that God was preparing him to be the earthly father of his Son.
For what did Zechariah praise God in verses Luke 1:68-75?
He praised God for what God had done for his people. God kept His promises of salvation.
Which festival did the Romans celebrate beginning on December 17?
The Saturnalia Festival